Friday, June 3, 2011

Mortal Kombat

Well kids, we are still waiting on Panisko to write up a little somethin somethin' about the map pack for CoD: Black Ops. And there has been a lot of talk about Modern Warfare 3 and now the " CoD: Elite" Where you pay a fee to have certain benefits.. And we'll be touching ground on that a little bit later.

But right now, I wanna talk about Mortal Kombat.  I've recently been playing it quite a bit, and let me tell you what, it's a nice change of pace from playing first person shooters and such. And it's a blast! Like some of the previous MK's, you unlock items by using the Krypt. And use Kombat Koins as currency. Another thing I like about the new MK is that it went back to its roots. Blood and Gore. Not like MK vs DC. A Mortal Kombat game is suppose to be rated M. Not T. There are suppose to be fatalities that make you say OH ****. And the one that comes to mind for me would be Noob Siabots. If you haven't seen that one yet, well, you are in for a surprise, let me tell you what. I know I was when I first saw it.

Another thing I've enjoyed about MK is the Story mode. It's pretty much a movie that you fight in. No joke. And the story is actually pretty darn good. I haven't completed it yet, but I'd say I'm about 85% done. I won't go into detail about the Story, so you'll have to play it to find out what happens. Lets just say you go kinda go back in time through MK1, 2, and 3 and try to change what happened. Pretty sweet.

Another thing that I can't wait to get my hands on is the Tower Challenge. There are a total of 300 challenges. That's right. 300. And that should keep you busy for quite some time. I was to go through them all. It'll take me a while.

Also, you can play online vs people around the world. I played 3 games online yesterday before one of my buddies got on, and I happened to win all 3. Lucky? Maybe so. Sonya is my main character. I remember she was also my main when I played MK: Deception. Sonya has some good moves that are quick, and can cover ground pretty quickly. It's quite handy. Other characters that I play are Smoke, Sub Zero, Kabal, and Scorpion. I can play others, but not as well. And I still need quite a bit of practice. Which hopefully I will get in today.

Well, that's all I have time for today. MK is a very enjoyable game.

I'm on PS3 if you want to play.

PSN: Deadsider07


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Long Time No Talk!

Well, sorry about the long dry spell there! We had some technical difficulties with our email, and finally got things sorted through. PHEW!

We have lots to talk about. But that will have to wait until tomorrow.

So we'll talk then!
