Friday, January 27, 2012

The Best Role-Playing Games of 2012

Hello everyone! Today we are going to be talking about the best role-playing games that will be coming out in 2012.

First up would be Diablo III.

More Diablo III Videos

Now if you were like me a few years ago, you were addicted to Diablo II. And you played it for hours with friends. One reason it was so addicting, would be the chance of finding gear when it drops. And the difficulty of "Hell" mode. It gets quite hard. But as I just mentioned, what is really fun about is the drops. Hell mode has the best gear in the game, and the chances of it dropping are low. But that's the fun about it. If you get something to drop, boy are you ecstatic. It's free to play online as well. So you can have all your friends play together, and it's a blast. Although the bummer thing is, Diablo III doesn't have a release date yet. We are still waiting on it.

The next game on the list is Final Fantasy XIII-2 which comes out next week.

More Final Fantasy XIII%2D2 Videos

Another game that will be a ton of fun. It's only a single player game, but the story makes up for it. Another game that is a lot of fun. You can actually play the demo now if you want to wait a few hours for the download. I played it, and can't wait to get my hands on it. Release date is January 31st. And the story continues on from XIII, but instead of playing Lightning trying to free Serah, her little sister, you now play Serah, and I believe you try to save Lightning in a way. I'm not entirely sure, but I will let you know once I pick up the game. It's going to be a blast, and I cannot wait to play it.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Another game for all you RPG fans out there.

More Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Videos

Now this game I haven't really had a chance to look at, and I have the demo downloading on my PS3 right now, so I can't tell you too much about it, but if you are a RPG fan, this game should be high on your list. The game will have incredible depth, and non-linearity that doesn't beg you to go in a certain direction, and that sort of leans be toward Skyrim. But we'll see how the game plays out.

Well, there are a few of the Best Role-Playing Games coming this year.

We'll touch on more later.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Modern Warfare 3 - A Look At Gameplay Footage

Hello everyone! Hopefully the day for you all has been going well! It's a Wednesday, and today we are going to be looking at some game play footage from yours truly, and we will take a look at a few things that I do, and perhaps will improve your game play as well.

Alrighty. Here is a full game of me playing Modern Warfare 3. Now the first thing that you want to do is know where your enemies will be by the time you get to a certain place on the map in the beginning of the game. As you see here, I rush the right side because I know people will always go to the tunnel area with the pipes. It's almost a 50/50 chance at least one person will be there. It's a hot zone. Luckily, I pick up a Triple Kill, and that gets me on my way toward my killstreaks. I run 5-7-9. One you hit 5, Try to get a double kill, and you're almost always going to get up to your 9 killstreak.

Back to the video, after the triple kill, I run around the side to see if I missed any, and bam, there are 2 more. Which leads me up to my 5 kill streak. I fail predator missile though, sadly. 5/6 enemies were right in that area. Was almost set up perfect just for me. Alright. Now after that, the enemies will be spawning toward where they first spawned on the map, so I start to rush up toward their spawn. Here is a tip. As you see, I pick up one of their guns. When you have the chance, even if your gun is almost full on ammo, always pick up a weapon from your fallen foe. Unless of course, you use Overkill. Then just pick one up when you are low on ammo on one of your guns.

Now I rush up towards their spawn, and catch another 2 kills. When you kill someone, they are almost guaranteed to try to come back to kill you, so be expecting them. And here, two of them come, and I use the barrier in front of me for cover as I pick them off. I now proceed further into the map, checking corners, and try to come up behind everyone in the center building. I notice gun fire on the map, and go rushing in. More kills on the chopping block. I pick up 4 more kills inside the building, and back track. Try to keep on the outside of the map when you can. It's much safer.

Continuing on, I'm back where I started. And keep looking at that hotspot, also staying on the outside of the map. Get another Pred Missile, and pick up a kill off of it, after finding a safe spot to use it. I rush towards the middle building, a another kill. Now here is when a predator missile from the enemy starts to come, and I see there are several teammates around me. This is where you want to try to get away from your teammates, and try to find a safe spot, which I managed to.

Now here I get overwhelmed. Two people on opposite sides. Argh.What can you do though, eh? As I mentioned before, when someone dies, you always try to get revenge. And here, you see me running right back to where I died. Bingo. One person is still there. And another 2 inside. From here, snag another weapon, and look before you rush in there. Care Package incoming. What do? Kill people who are around it. I didn't stick around to get it because I'm not sure if its a decoy or not. Not going to take the chance though. Run past, and get into another fire fight. I die after the kill. I shouldn't have turned around, and I thought maybe I could get around the corner, but I end up dying. That's alright. Lets keep moving. Once again, I run back to where I died at. Snag another kill, and move on. Back to our spawn. Keep running around the map. It's your safest bet. Once again, that hot spot at the pipes, and that ends the game.

Perks I run. Slight of Hand. If you are running and gunning, this is almost a must. Assassin. Why? I'm behind enemy lines. I don't want a UAV to give away my position. And then Stalker. As you notice, I strafe a lot. And in fire fights, it could mean life and death. The speed you get from strafing back and forth with a SMG is amazing. I highly recommend using it.

Any questions? Leave a comment.
