Friday, April 15, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops - I run, you run, we run.

Well, yesterday I said we would chat about what I am currently running on Black Ops. So let's take a peek shall we.

I hit level 44 yesterday. 14th Presitge. So I have access to all guns. But I only use a select few. And I don't plan on prestiging again til we get double xp. Mainly because I can get to 50 in one day of play time with double xp. Cap the Flag ftw!

First class that I have right now

Spectre w/ Rapid Fire
Scavenger [Needed w/Rapid Fire]
Slight of Hand [Needed w/Rapid Fire]

I use this class mostly on smallerish maps. Great for rushing to get the flag.

My gun of choice right now is the AK-47. It's a great gun, and has high damage. Always a plus. And I have 4 different builds with it. All for different Scenarios. I will list them all down separated by /'s

AK-47 Silenced   /    Dual Mags      /         Dual Mags       /    Dual Mags+Silenced
Strela                   /      Strela            /         Strela                /            Strela
Frag                    /          Frag           /          Frag                 /             Frag
Concussion         /       Concussion     /        Concussion         /         Concusson
Jammer            /            Jammer           /     Jammer              /         Jammer
Ghost             /              Ghost            /      Lightweight          /           Ghost
Slight of Hand   /       Slight of Hand     /     Slight of Hand         /       Warlord
Marathon       /          Marathon           /         Marathon          /     Marathon

To the best of my knowledge, those are the classes that I have. The first three are for running the flag, and the last one is for defending. The first build is for total stealth, which is needed when there are A LOT of defenders for their flag [Talking about Capture the Flag]. The second is for when they are throwing up spy planes left and right, and the third is what I usually ALWAYS start off with in the beginning of a match. With Lightweight and Marathon, I can run around quickly and surprise people right off the bat. If they start to throw up spy planes left and right, I'll take out my other class with Ghost on it to counter that. The reason I have warlord with two attachments, is so that I have more ammo at my expense, and a silencer so when multiple people come, they don't know where I am shooting from. Always remember when you are defending something and you kill someone, MOVE TO ANOTHER SPOT. Because they WILL come back and try to find you to kill you.

Now some other classes that I use are 1 sniper class, mostly just for Array, and then 2 shotgun builds as well. The 2 are exactly the same, except one has Ghost, and one has Scavenger. Always have a back up build for Ghost in case they are spamming Spy Planes. You don't want to get owned just because you don't have a class with Ghost on it.

The sniping class I run is:

L96A1 w/ Extended Mags
Dual Pythons
Motion Sensor

Now some of you might say "Why use Extended Mags instead of the Variable Zoom?!"
My answer would be because I use the Tactical Layout on my controller. Which means that my "O" for me is to knife, and pressing down on R3 is to crouch. I use it 1.) To drop shot, and 2.) Because it's easier to crouch and such. So for me to use Variable Zoom, I would have to hit "O". Which would be a total pain in my ass. See where I'm getting at? So for me, Extended Mags is much more useful, and easier to use.

I recommend to pick a spot, hold it down, and move on, keeping away from most of the pack. You don't wanna go running in places to get Slaughtered. Pick people off from the distance. Then move somewhere else so they don't come to where you are just to kill you.

Now lets take a look at what I have for my shotgun builds. The only difference is the first perk, mind you.

Spas w/ silencer [Because it doesn't reduce range + No showing up on radar. Win win!]
Dual Pythons
Ghost   /   Scavenger
Steady Aim

Ghost for when they spam spy planes, of course.

Now some of you might say that Slight of Hand would be smarter to use. But when you have Marathon Pro and you're running around like crazy, Steady Aim Pro allows you to bring up that shotty quickly, and take out your foes quicker. Plus the tighter spread of the Shotgun blast, means more one shot kills. I wouldn't use anything other then Steady Aim with my shot gun builds. And plus you recover quicker from knifing as well. Couldn't ask for more! The two maps I use my shotgun build on is Firing Range, and also Summit. Run around the buildings, and tear it up!

That's all for today folks, Talk to you guys on Monday! We'll talk about strategy, and much much more.


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