Friday, June 24, 2011

New Patch On 360, Live For Black Ops. Bye Bye Unstoppable Famas

Alrighty guys, if you haven't heard by now, yes it is true. The Famas is getting... NERFED. I first heard about it from Panisko, but now that I have looked into it, it's true. Now what did they do to it? Lets take a look.

Changes include tweaks on the ADS raise time, hip fire accuracy reduction, more gun kick (so less accurate) and slightly slower re-center speed. But the good thing is, if you are a famas user, the rate of fire, damage, range, and magazine size will all stay the same.

Other then that, here are the other patch notes for 1.10 for the 360
  • Security Updates.
  • New playlists – Flags and Bombs
  • C4 can no longer be warped to player carrying bomb in S&D and Sabotage.
  • Removed erroneous “Reset to Default” message when trying to load a DLC map you do not have.
  • In-game icons (care package icons, etc) no longer appear in the Create A Class menu.
  • Support for Annihilation map pack, available June 28th on Xbox LIVE!
  • Fix for a rare crash related to weapons.
  • Game no longer crashes when Xbox LIVE servers are down.
 But that's just about all the patch does. Nothing too huge, besides the changes with the Famas. And I know people will be complaining left and right about the gun because now it sucks. No it doesn't suck, you were just used to it being cheap. Now you have to use some of that thing called "skill" to kill people. :P Don't get me wrong, I've use the Famas plenty. But it's time to spread your wings and find other guns.. Because.. Ya know.. There are other guns in the game besides the Famas. And the Famas is still a good gun. You just need to get used to it again.

If you aren't feeling the Famas anymore, honestly, you should give the AK47 a shot (pun intended), if you enjoy using assault rifles. If not, I enjoy using the Spectre and MP5K. Don't forget if you need class set up and other tips, make sure to check out our earlier posts on our blog about Black Ops.


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