Friday, July 15, 2011

Don't Forget About the MK / Marvel Vs Capcom 3 / Street Fighter Tournament in Butte at the Butte Plaza Mall

Yes indeed. Just as the title says. It starts at 10am on Saturday, and you can register TODAY at the Mall up until about 9pm. So if you want to participate in any of the events, make sure to get down to the mall and sign up now. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

More details about this can be found on a earlier blog post. So make sure to check it out. And I'll see you all there!

Monday, July 11, 2011

One of the hardest games of 2011... Dark souls.

Alright guys. Lets talk about one of the hardest games that will be coming out all year. And no, I'm not exaggerating here. Dark Souls. The second in the series of games. The first game was called Demon Souls. If you haven't played it, do yourself a favor and buy the game. It's for PS3 only though.

Dark Souls will be for both PS3, and 360. And just let me say this one more time. It's going to be one of the hardest games coming out all year. Think about how hard old games used to be. Think of those games. Dark Souls will be just like that. You die in a couple hits. You don't have your shield raised up, and you get hit, you could die. Easy as that. And when you are dead, you are at half hp, because you're in spirit form. So pretty much you die in one hit. The only way to get your body back, is to kill a boss.

Now the way you level up in the game, is when you kill things, you collect their souls. Now this is the currency for the whole game. Whether you want to buy items, weapons, new spells. It's all through Souls. And when you want to level up.. That's right.. It costs souls.

Now here is the catch on things. Which really sucks. Let's say you die. All the souls that you have are now on the ground right where you died. You lose them all. The only way to get them back is to walk to where you died and pick them up. Now here is the tricky part. Remember that when you die, you are at half health because you are in spirit form. Now if you die again on your way back to your body, and you didn't pick up your souls.. THOSE ARE LOST FOREVER! You can no longer get those souls back. Do you see why this game can be so tough? If you didn't spend your souls, or are saving up to level.. Yeah. You lost those. Can you see why this game is.. Unforgiving at times?

I've lost hundreds of thousands of Souls before. And it is.. Well.. How can I put this.. Very frustrating.  Very very frustrating.

Can you see why this game can be tough? Now from what I have heard rumor wise, Dark Souls will be.. Much tougher then Demon Souls. Which honestly I can't wait for. The difficulty of the game is what really draws me in. I love a good challenge in a game.

If you want to get some practice before Dark Souls come out. Once again, get Demons Souls. I'm sure it can't be more then 30 bucks right now.

See Kris or Cory there and say Jonnie sent you to come pick it up. Say you read about it on the blog here and maybe you can snag a discount, I dunno. It's worth a shot.
