Wednesday, April 18, 2012

PS Vita - Soul Sacrifice, and Diablo III

By now, everyone should know what Demon's Souls and Dark Soul's is. A game that is quite difficult to beat, and if very unforgiving. Which is why it's so popular, and so much fun. And when you finally beat the game, you feel so accomplished.

Now for the PS Vita, there is a game coming out called Soul Sacrifice. Now will this be the new "Souls" game? It's quite possible. I've ran through Demon's Souls many many times. I haven't got through Dark Souls yet due to other games getting in the way. But if this game comes out, I definitely would want to play it through, no doubt about that one. I am a HUGE fan of the Soul's series. If you haven't checked them out yet, I'd advise you to do so. If you want a challenging game. Don't be a pansy. :)

On another note, I have yet to even hold a Vita and give it a whirl. But one of these days.. I shall.

Another thing that I would like to touch on real quick is Diablo 3. We have about 26 days until the game is released on May 15th. Will you be at a midnight release picking up the game, or will you have it already bought and downloaded? Either or works, because if you live in our time zone (Mountain) the servers won't be up and running until 1am. Midnight pacific time. So for you folks on the east coast, I feel sorry for you. Having to stay up until 3am to play.  But I know that many of you will.

I will be one of those people awake and ready to go once the servers are live. And I will be sure to inform all of you of my progress throughout the game, while trying not to spoil too many things. The thing that I am most excited for about Diablo III is decking out your characters in gear, and getting through the new difficulty, Inferno. It's going to be harder than Hell mode. And you remember how hard Hell was when you first got there, with no elite gear yet. I'm talking about when you don't already have a farmer that farms Hell for gear. Starting off fresh in there. It's a pain in the ass, let me tell you what. And the challenge is going to be the best part.

I've heard from a buddy of mine at GameStop here in Butte said that many people are coming in and out of there asking when Diablo III will be released on console. And I'm here to tell you it's going to be a while. If you don't have a computer that will run Diablo III, you are out of luck for now. Yes yes, I know it's a bummer, but save up a few bucks and upgrade your computer a bit. Unless you want to wait at least a year or so for Diablo III to come out on console. The choice is yours.

I just got word that Darksiders 2 has been delayed. It is now expected to be released in August. Just got the text about 2 minutes ago. But no worries. Diablo III will be out May 15th, and then your life, as well as mine, will be over. For at least a few months that is.

That's all I have for today folks.

Have a great day!
