Monday, January 9, 2012

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.. And more

Yes, that's right. It was just announced today that Activision has purchased, suggesting that a sequel to Call of Duty: Black Ops could be in the works. A recent job listing suggests that a Call of Duty game is in active development, though we don't know if it will be Black Ops 2 or something different entirely.

Now honestly, I am excited about this. Not only because I thought Black Ops was a very fun game, but because I'm really hoping this time that Call of Duty will run with a different engine, making the game feel newer. Better graphics, and better over all game. Let's hope they do it, and not just re-skin the game over. A new engine is what would bring those who have left Call of Duty, back to it, and also attract newer players as well. It's a win win for sure. Activision, we are all counting on you!

Now another thing that I would like to touch on would be Diablo III. There has been a rumor going around that it has a release date of February 1st. Now when I first read an article about it, I thought that was the for sure release date, until I read more about it, and I guess that it was just a rumor. Now my train of thought was that the release date was February 1st, and now that people found out about it, they want to change it to another date. Make sense? That's just my train of thought though. Who knows what the real date is. But all I know is that I am very excited about the game to be coming out. I have played the beat for hours and hours, and let me tell you what, it was a blast for sure. My favorite class so far has to be the Barbarian. Why you ask? Frenzy. Crits left and right.. I mean, he is a beast of a character, no doubt about that.

Blizzard still has some tweaking to do in the game, so I'm guessing that he might get nerfed a little bit.. Because the Barbarian seemed like a very strong character while playing. But we will have to wait and see what happens I guess.

The Leak

First I want to mention that Blizzard debunked the release date that Best Buy printed out. They already have ads out, and other things as well. A countdown even. Here is the picture that was taken at a Best Buy.

 Best Buy is pretty confident about this release date. As I've mentioned before, I think that this is the correct release date, and now that it was leaked out, they changed to. But who knows.

I honestly can't wait for the game. It's going to be a blast for sure. I look forward seeing you all in Diablo III.

That's all for today. Have a great day everyone, and play some games!
