Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In The World of Diablo III

May 15th has passed.. Well.. 15 days ago, and I haven't had a lot to have a chat with guys, mainly because I was too busy playing Diablo III. And let me tell you what, it's everything that I hoped it would be.

When 1 A.M. rolled around and servers went live.. Boom. Disaster. I had two friends that immediately got into the game. But those who were unfortunate (me being one of them) I had to wait another 50 minutes or so before I could get into the game. And for those 50 minutes, I sat in my chair and copied/pasted my password over and over again. So for 50 minutes, this was my life. Ctrl + V, enter, enter, enter, Ctrl + V, enter, enter, enter.

I did that for 50 minutes. I was so agitated that Blizzard, one of the biggest gaming companies, could drop the ball on release date of Diablo III. They had to of known how many people would be trying to play once servers go live. I feel like they didn't prepare enough, and I know there are many people in the same boat as I am. And it was frustrating. We've all been waiting months, even years for this game to come out, and they dropped the ball. Bottom line, I was disappointed.

But the thing is, as soon as I got logged in and made my character, all the frustration was gone. I forgot that I spent almost an hour trying to log in. Because I was in Sanctuary.  I was slaying undead left and right. And nothing could stop me from doing so.

I played the Diablo III beta so much, that I just ran through the first part of Act 1. I remember killing the Skeleton King and always reading "Congratulations! You have defeated the Diablo III beta!". And when the Skeleton King fell from my arrows, I was just waiting for that message. And it never came. The stairs opened up, and I was continuing on with the quest. This wall all new territory for me. I had no idea what was up ahead. It was great.

I continued to play until 11am that morning. And all I wanted to do was play more. And more.

Jumping forward quite a few days, I am now in Inferno, which is the hardest difficulty in the game. It's quite challenging, especially when you don't use the Auction House, and use the gear that you have from Hell, when you freshly hit 60. The beginning on inferno isn't too bad, especially for a ranged class. The thing is, you die in 2 hits. But staying at ranged is quite easy.

Act 2 in Inferno is a whole different story. The difficulty level just spikes big time. Without the right gear, you're just going to get smashed up. So be prepared. A nice weapon will be the biggest thing you will need to get. Whether you get something from the Auction House to not. The bow I have is almost 1k DPS. I'd advise you to get something around there as well if you plan to roll through Act 2 Inferno. It gets rough. The mobs there just hit so hard. But that's the fun part. The challenge of it all. Inferno is where it's at.

Overall the game is killer. I've been enjoying every second playing it. If you haven't picked it up yet, I would advise you to do so.

That's all the time I have for today folks. Chat with you guys later!
