Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dark Souls. Testing Your True Gaming Skills

Well I have talked about Dark Souls and Demon's Souls quite a bit in this here blog. And there is good reason for it. The game is amazing. And very very difficult. If you want a real challenge at a game, this is one to pick up.

Let me find a video for you guys real quick and you can see what the game is like.

Here is a video that I found that kind of shows how the game play is. It's the beginning of the game, so in no way does it show the real action of the game, but this is just mostly to show the game itself.

I am about 3 hours or so into the game, and I've died so many times. Slowly but surely I'm getting my skills back from when I played Demon's Souls, so it's not too bad now. But it's still quite difficult. When you get ganked up on, your pretty much dead no matter what. So you need to play very carefully.

This isn't the type of game that you can just run into monsters and hack n slash. no no no, not at all. Try that, and its GG. You're toast.

Dark Souls is a real challenge to any gamer. I wish more games like this would come out.

Do yourself a favor though. Buy this game. You will not regret it.
