Friday, April 8, 2011

Fastest ways to prestige part 1

Well kids, lets take a look at some of the fastest ways that you can prestige in Black Ops. Now these are just some tips that you can use, but you don't have to use them all, or any if you really don't want to. It's totally up to you. Just suggestions.

Alright, first off, the game mode that I pretty much only play is Capture the Flag. I know a lot of you guys might be like wtf? But really, Cap the Flag is one of the best game modes to play. First off, because it gives you Marathon Pro. Which is a blessing to have. Secondly, you get points just like in Team Deathmatch. +100 per kill. And there are extras thrown in as well. Such as +Offense if you are carrying the flag and kill someone. So when you have the flag and kill someone, it gives you as much xp as killing two people, not including buzzkill, headshot, or any other bonuses as well. + for defense if you kill someone near your flag, and that gives you just as much xp as if you carry the flag. Bonuses as well for killing the person carrying the flag AND points for returning the flag. And also don't forget that you get as many points as killing a person just for picking up the enemy flag, even if you die 1 second after. You still get the SAME points as killing someone. Now is that not a slamming deal or what? Oh yeah, and capping the flag is +250 xp. That's 2 1/2 kills worth of xp. Whether you defend or you are on offense, you will get much more xp playing Ctf then TDM. Also, the rounds last 10 mins. Same as TDM. But do you ever really use all 10 mins in TDM? Rarely. Unless everyone is camping. Which means that you won't get much of a match bonus for that. Ctf has 2, 10 min rounds. And if it goes into overtime, well, thats another 10 mins. They could go quick, but most of the time, it gets down toward the end, which means higher match bonuses for everyone. See what I'm getting at here? If I played Cap the Flag only at day 1, I would have been 15th prestige already most likely. But I didn't find out Cap the Flag was so good until about 2nd prestige or so. And right now I have a little over 10 days played, and almost 14th Prestige. See what I'm getting at here?

Now that's tip #1 I'm giving you guys about prestiging quickly. Capture the Flag is your best friend. For Marathon Pro, and also for getting loads of experience points.

Tip #2. Shoot down enemy aircraft!

Whether it's just a spy plane, or a chopper gunner, or attack heli. Always have a class with a strela on it. A spy plane gives you +150xp. That's a kill and a half right there. A chopper gunner? It's +400 xp. That's 4 KILLS worth of xp. And everytime you shoot one down, guess what, it adds to your challenges for destorying it. Bam, that's more xp in the back of your pocket. If you wanna knock two birds out with one stone, I recommend using a SAM turret. Because you get xp for using the Killsteak, and it shoots spy planes and counter-spy planes as soon as they are up. You'll need to help out with attack heli's and such, but really, its a great killstreak to use to knock out some quick xp. Plus, it makes you a team player! Always a bonus when someone calls in a chopper gunner and it's down before they can even kill a single player. Makes you wanna say "In your face!" For someone who most likely camped til they got their chopper.

That's all for today though. We'll have more tips to come on how to prestige quicker in Black Ops! As a hint, one perk that you can use gives you double the xp for certain challenges. We'll talk about that on a later date. See you guys on Monday! Make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with tips and more! Also we'll be having game play that you can watch as well.

We can also play together if you want. Add me, I'm on PS3 though, sorry all you xbox'ers out there.

PSN: Deadsider07

Make sure to put in the message that you are from Magic97.7's blog so I know where you are coming from!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Class set ups for Call of Duty: Black Ops Part 1

Alrighty guys, today I figure we can take a chat about some class set ups that are pretty good for me, and hopefully will help you guys out in the future when you guys play.

Lets start off at the beginning. At level 1. Personally, I choose the MP5K Class right off the bat. I like to rush, and the MP5K is an amazing gun. I use it even past level 20 sometimes. My brother likes to use the M16 class. It's a great gun, but if you are going to rush, not the best idea with its burst fire. But if you like to stick back, I would recommend using that class then. I can honestly say I've only used that class in the beginning when I first started playing. The rest was with the MP5K. I used to hate that gun, but after prestiging a few times, it really starts to grow on you.

Anyways, after a few levels and saving up some COD points, the first thing I buy is Marathon. I gotta have Marathon or I go crazy. I cannot stand not being able to run a greater distance. It helps out so much, with being able to run around. The next thing I buy is extended mags. Personally the hip fire on the MP5K is amazing, especially with steady aim, and you can pretty much snipe with that beast from the hip. And with Ext. Mags, you won't have to reload as often. Which helps out a lot since I usually don't run slight of hand, at least for a while. And not with this build in the beginning. The reason being, since I like to rush, getting steady aim pro is a priority. If you didn't know already, Slight of Hand Pro ONLY makes you ADS faster when you are not sprinting. Steady Aim Pro allows you to ADS faster after sprinting, and helps you recover from knife lunges AND also helps your hip fire. Which is why I like to choose Steady Aim over Slight of hand, although Slight of Hand is very useful in some classes. Your first perk kinda just depends. Have 2 set ups. Always have one with Ghost just in case the other team is throwing up a Spy Plane every 30 seconds or so. No point in getting slaughtered over and over by people who just watch the mini map instead of using their eyes. Then that will back fire on them since they will focus on the mini map and you can own them. If they aren't, no point in wasting that slot with Ghost, since it won't be helping you any at all. Maybe go Lightweight to run around more quickly, make you harder to hit, or Hardline to get those kill steaks a little bit earlier. The class I usually use for quite a few levels ( As in 20+ ) every prestige would be:

MP5K Ext. Mags
Secondary usually doesn't matter a whole much, so whatever you wanna run
Jammer (Great for Objective games, as well as not showing up on radar within the area. Only equipment I use)
Frag (Because stickies make noise when using them)
Concussion (Great for slowing people down, stunning them)

Ghost/Lightweight/Hardline (Make two classes for reasons I stated above)
Steady Aim

We'll talk more tomorrow. Gimme some feed back and let me know what you think

Til tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The first of the blog

Well guys, its the first time that I get to write a little somethin' somethin' on this blog, if you know what I mean. We'll be having alot of stuff to chat about, whether it deals with the latest games, the most popular games, maybe some celebrity gossip and news here and there, but a lot about games mostly.

I personally am an avid gamer myself. I play.. Well i'm not entirely sure how many hours a week, but quite a few. The game of choice for me right now would be Call of Duty: Black ops. Now that's not all we'll talk about on here, BUT, I will most likely make references to it and such. Lol. Because that's how I roll.

But that's all for today. I look forward to chatting with you guys again!