Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Diablo III, and Guild Wars 2 Beta

It's been a while since we have talked about Diablo III, and there is a lot going on right now with it. One reason is because it is going to be released in the near future.

How soon? I'm not sure. I'm guessing either March or April. Unless they move it back more, which I'm really hoping Blizzard doesn't.

IGN has a release date on the side of their site on March 31st. Is it true? It's too early to tell. If you remember a while ago Best Buy had a poster up saying February 1st was the release date. And did it come out? No, it did not. So should I believe IGN? I'm not entirely sure. But what we can do is hope some news about the release date will turn up somewhere (even if it's leaked). Blizzard is usually pretty tight about things like this. So who knows.

All I know.. Is that I can't wait for this game to come out. It's going to steal my soul. Farming for items is going to be huge. Even crafting. If you played the Diablo III beta, make sure to watch some videos. Or you'll be missing out on some things. In Diablo II, it was all about the loot. And in Diablo III, it's the same way. Except this time around when you find gear, you can actually sell your gear on an auction house for in-game currency, OR you can sell it for real money. That's right, you can make money by selling gear on the auction house. I don't think it's enough to really make a living off of the game.. But still. Making a little extra cash on the side for a taco or two from playing a game? I'll take it. What can be better then spending the evening playing a game, have an awesome weapon drop off of a boss, and then sell it for some cash moneys? Can't get much better then that, am I right? How can the girlfriend get mad at you playing a game making money? There's your ticket to gaming all night.

Another thing that I want to touch on real quick is Guild Wars 2 Beta.

You can now sign up.

There is the site, and they will have you download the specs of your computer. Make sure to fill everyone out, and you could get an invite.

Do it before it's too late!