Thursday, March 15, 2012

May 15th. Diablo III

Yes yes, I know that I just got done talking about Diablo III, but there is now a release date on the game. May 15th. Which is when my social life goes out the window.

Two months we have to wait. It seems like a long time, but it's going to cruise on by. Try to keep yourself occupied with other games til then. A few that come to mind are World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo II, Modern Warfare 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, maybe even Black Ops if you still are playing that.

I say Diablo II because you gotta get back into the feel of things. Of the Diablo world. That is, if you aren't in the beta of Diablo III.

I had a chance to play the Diablo III Beta. And it's a blast. Look up some youtube videos if you have a chance. I haven't played it in a while, and you know what, I just might have to boot it up again and play through it. Gotta scratch the itch, you know what I mean?

That's all for today folks. Just wanted to update you all real quick.



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Diablo III

As you all know, Diablo III is coming. It may not be this month, or even next month, but we should know a release date any day now.

If you don't know already, I just wanted to touch on the PVP aspect of Diablo III.

At launch, PvP will not be available. Now some of you out there will be bummed about this, but other won't. I'm one of those people who are not bummed. The reason being, is that I want to explore Diablo III. I want to play through the game. I want the story from the game. I want to farm gear. Not PvP right off the bat. I don't want to get side tracked when there is so much more to do in the game. PvP is what I will worry about much later.

There is a bonus to PvP not being released at the get go. It means that the game won't be delayed as long. If they were to work on PvP to have it released with the game, then Diablo III wouldn't be out til Q4 of 2012. So to me, it's not a big deal at ALL.

Soon there will be a release date. Soon. And I've been looking every day to see if there is more details on the game.

Let's just say it's going to take over my life.

That's all for today folks. Just a quick one.

Have a great day!
