Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Playstation Vita - Call of Duty and Mortal Kombat

Hello everyone! It's a Tuesday, and boy is the day going by fast.

Alright. Let's talk PlayStation Vita. One thing that I want to talk about, that is on my wish list for the Vita, is that it will be able to sync with your ps3, and you can play games just from the vita over PSN with your friends. As in use it sort of like the WiiU. As a controller, and as a screen. That would be a major selling point for me. I would definitely pick one up if you are able to do that.

Now Call of Duty. It would be a huge bonus if you can play with all your friends on PSN. Not just other people playing on the Vita, but people on PSN who are playing on their PS3. YES PLEASE!

It'll take a while to get used to the controls, but it would almost be like using a PS3 controller. The analog sticks might be a little tricky. But workable. I just really hope the graphics are as good as they say they are.

Mortal Kombat. Same thing for this. I want to be able to play with people who are on the PSN with their Vita and PS3. Why separate them? It would only hurt Sony more if they did that. A huge selling point would be what I mentioned before. So Sony, make that happen.

The Vita looks amazing. It's something that I would want for sure. It looks gorgeous. And the graphics hopefully will be just as good.

Alright, that's just some thoughts off the top of my head. I gotta get outta here.

Til next time!
