Monday, November 21, 2011

Diablo III. Console Version.

It's true. Blizzard is working on a console version of Diablo III. I was reading a story about it, what they don't want to do is directly port the game from PC to PS3, Xbox 360. They want to build it from the ground up. Which I think it a great idea. For those people who don't have nice computers that can run Diablo III with 60 fps.

Now before I really jump the gun, they haven't announced yet that they are officially going to be making it for console, they are looking for a development team for console. So I guess we will see if it happens or not. Time will tell on this one.

Honestly, I really hope that they do make it for console. And I hope that it's all connected on the same server. Maybe it could give the PC gamer or the console gamer the advantage in PVP and such, but it would make a bigger community, and friends could play with friends a lot more often. It would be smart of them to do that. I can see why they would separate the two.. But.. It would benefit the average gamer a lot more if they combined the two, at least for PVE.

I've had a chance to play the Diablo III Beta, and it's a lot of fun. Sadly, it's only the beginning of the first act. And after you play it for a few, you can run through that part of the game pretty quickly. But if you are like me, the first time you run through the game, you like to go through and explore every little thing possible. That's what I always do. But after you run it a few times, you just breeze through the beta quickly.

The point is, the game is going to be amazing. And Blizzard would benefit greatly if they made Diablo III for console and for PC, and let them be able to play together.

That's my thoughts.

What do you guys think? Leave a comment, and let me know!

Enjoy, and happy Monday.
