Tuesday, October 16, 2012

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Hello everyone! How goes the day so far? Mine is well.

Now that we have our greeting out of the way, let's talk games. I've had a good amount of time to play the new WoW expansion, and let me tell you what, it's interesting.

The biggest complaint about the new xpac would hands down be dailies. Because as of right now, it seems to be a big part of the game. If you want a flying serpent mount, you have to do dailies. If you want to use your valor points to get better gear, you have to do dailies to earn reputation for. The main faction that you will be working on is the Golden Lotus. Because in order to start doing dailies for the other factions such as Shadow-pan and The August Celestial, you have to be REVERED with the Golden Lotus, which takes about 2 weeks or doing dailies every single day.

Also, heroics seem to be pretty easy. And they were easy in Cataclysm as well. I was hoping for a big challenge in heroics, but that was a let down there. A huge plus I found in the heroics though, was that there is no guaranteed epics. That was the big thing that I was happy about. I like the fact that you have to work for epics now. And there is only a small chance of them dropping in heroics. HUGE plus. Because when you get decked out in epics, it means that you actually had to work for that stuff. And it not just handed to you.

Another that that I want to touch on would be PVP. Now, I've pvp'd A LOT recently, and its different. You automatically get a 40% reduction in damage taken from other players, then on top of that you can buy pvp gear that will increase the amount as well. But players can get "pvp power" which then increases the amount of damage you take. But the big thing I notice, is that pvp is not balanced at all. No where balanced. My pally has a lot of pvp resilience, and I'm still getting hit for 95k. Which should not happen at all. If you get stunned once, you can get burned down from 100% to 0. And when that happens its not even fun. Mind, you, my Pally is in full Dreadful PVP gear, and one piece of Malevolent. If I don't get CC'd though.. I can do the same to anyone else. Pop all cooldowns, and down someone. It just needs a little more balance.

I haven't stepped into the new raid yet, so I don't have info on that. Mainly because our healers aren't quite up to par yet, and recently just hit 90. But as soon as we get in there, I'll make sure to let you know how it goes.

Have a good one everyone, and we'll chat with you again later!
