Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Are You A Pokemon Player?

Well, are ya? I know quite a few friends that still play. And one of my good friends actually considers himself a "Gym Leader". He works at GameStop here in Butte. So if you are an avid Pokemon player, stop by GameStop here in butte and say "I am here to to face the gym leader" and hold up your arm!

It would be legendary. No doubt about that one. His name is Cory though, and right now he is undefeated.

The purpose of this post is because a new Pokemon website has just been registered.

So Pokemon Gray seems to be the next game in the lineup for Pokemon. And since they always release two separate versions of Pokemon, and then is followed with a third version, it's logical to say this is the 3rd in the series with Pokemon Black and White being the most recent Pokemon games.

Are you excited?

You should be.

That's all for today.
