Thursday, November 3, 2011

Modern Warfare 3. It's coming.

Alrighty guys, lets get down to business, shall we? First off, Modern Warfare 3. Yes, that's right. It's coming. And coming quickly. I remember back when it was first announced, it seemed like the day would never come. And now it's just about here. And hopefully, this game will not disappoint. There has been a lot of discussion about which will be better. Battlefield 3 or Modern Warfare 3. I've heard a lot of good things about Battlefield 3. So MW3 has some stiff competition.

Lets take a look at some of the things that won't disappoint about Modern Warfare 3.

First off, Spec Ops is back, and now with survival mode. Now I thought Spec Ops in MW2 was a lot of fun, and a couple of months ago my brother and I actually ran through a lot of them again. And it was still fun. With MW3, it should have awesome written all over it again. But now Spec Ops has survival mode, which faces you against wave after wave of enemies to fight off. How awesome is that?! I bet that will be a highlight of this game, other then the multiplayer of course. You'll have to split your time between the two.. Which could be pretty tough!

Another thing, is Kill Confirmed. It's a new multiplayer mode which most likely I will spend a lot of time in. It's a lot like Team Deathmatch, but you get large bonus points by picking up dog tags of the enemies you just killed. Which in the long run will mean that people who are camping and sniping won't get you anywhere in this game mode. Another sweet thing is that your teammates can pick up YOUR OWN dog tags if you die, so it denies them points for getting them. I mean, really, how awesome is that?

Call of Duty Elite. It will be available to everyone. The beta has been used in Black Ops and a lot of people have been able to give it a try, and they love it. And with MW3, it'll be released for everyone. Score!

And more one thing before I get outta here, if you play the single player in this game, the story will finally come to an end, one that has been going since Call of Duty 4.

So that's some of the things that you should be looking forward to for when MW3 comes out, which by the way, is the 8th of November.
