Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dark Souls, or Skyrim?

Now, the choice is a difficult one for many people out there. And there has been a lot of debate going on about which RPG will be better. As a personal preference, I would 100% have to lean towards Dark Souls. The game will be amazing. But so will Skyrim. Both will be great RPG's.

There are a few things that I would like to touch on real quickly about.

Online Capabilities.

Now, Skyrim will not be having any online capabilities. Even after fans complaining and wanting it to have some type of online aspect, there will be none whatsoever.

Dark Souls will be having online interactions, and in a very cool way. If you have ever played Demons Soul's, you know what I am talking about. If not, feel free to look it up. It's quite intriguing.


Skyrim will be having DLC. Which is a good thing, and a bad thing. Good because you get more additions to the game. Bad because the game comes incomplete. And you  have to spend even more money on the game. And that content should have already been included in the game in the first place.

Dark Souls has no current plans to release DLC. Which means Dark Souls will ship with everything in the game. EVERYTHING. No DLC. That's what I like to see.


Hands down, do you want a difficult game that will make you feel accomplished to beating it? Dark Souls is the game for you. The difficulty is what makes it fun..

But in the end, get both! Because they will be amazing games.
