Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Comfirmed Release Window

Alright guys. That's right. Final Fantasy XIII-2 has been confirmed to come out January 2012. Let's just hope by then the game doesn't get pushed back more. Which I can see happening in a blink of an eye. No doubt about that one. You know Square Enix. Always delaying games. But on the bright side of things, it's coming out in the beginning of 2012. w00t!! I can't wait. Now I know a lot of people will say how crummy XIII was. But really, it wasn't that bad if you think about it.

Yes it was linear.. But wasn't X as well? Think about that one for a bit. I do hope that it's not AS linear as is predecessor. I do want some freedom to run around and do what I want. And to be able to go back to some places that I was before. You know like old school Final Fantasy's such as 2. Boy do I miss that game. Well, it's 4 here in the states, but for SNES, it was FF2. And that has to be one of my favorite of all time, no doubt about that one. I do want the ability to go back to where I was. Instead of XIII where you are stuck on Pulse. Only to grind, complete the missions from the stones, and level up weapons. And you can only do so much of that before you get bored.

The game is pretty much going to be the same. In certain ways. The battle system is going to be the same. You'll be able to break your opponent so that you can deal massive damage against him. I'm curious if the loot system will be the same or not. As in upgrading your weapons. I didn't mind the whole weapon upgrade thing in XIII, but it was annoying farming those big guys for that gem that you needed to get your ultimate weapons. But that's just me.

I have high hopes for XIII-2, as well as Final Fantasy versus XIII. Which I hope will be a huge reboot on the franchise, and help it get back on it's feet. Cross your fingers.
