Thursday, March 15, 2012

May 15th. Diablo III

Yes yes, I know that I just got done talking about Diablo III, but there is now a release date on the game. May 15th. Which is when my social life goes out the window.

Two months we have to wait. It seems like a long time, but it's going to cruise on by. Try to keep yourself occupied with other games til then. A few that come to mind are World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo II, Modern Warfare 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, maybe even Black Ops if you still are playing that.

I say Diablo II because you gotta get back into the feel of things. Of the Diablo world. That is, if you aren't in the beta of Diablo III.

I had a chance to play the Diablo III Beta. And it's a blast. Look up some youtube videos if you have a chance. I haven't played it in a while, and you know what, I just might have to boot it up again and play through it. Gotta scratch the itch, you know what I mean?

That's all for today folks. Just wanted to update you all real quick.



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