Monday, March 26, 2012

Yes, more about Diablo III, and other miscellaneous things

Ahh yes. Gotta love Monday's, don't ya?

Let's have another quick chat about Diablo III

First off I want to chat about how excited I am for this game to come out. There was a recent post on IGN about them designing the look of Diablo in Diablo III. If you remember what he looked like in Diablo II, he was a little bulky.

Like this picture here.

 This here is the first picture that Blizzard drew up for Diablo. And personally I think he looks like a beast in this one. He looks very much like the same Diablo from Diablo II. Is that a bad thing? I would say no. Because I personally think he should be built bulky. And he looks even more badass here. But for some reason, Blizzard didn't feel like he should look exactly like he did in Diablo II. I don't blame them, but I don't want Diablo to look slim and pathetic. Let's take a look at some other idea they had while trying to come up with a new Diablo look. Personally, this original concept is my favorite, for reasons already stated.
This is the next concept they came up with for Diablo. Now this picture to me makes Diablo seem more of a demon that would sit in the back and cast spells. A more "Mage" type Diablo. Which again, isn't a bad thing. Some people feel he should be more of a caster, and some people think he should be bulky, up in your face ownage. And that's how I feel. Alright, next concept of Diablo.

Now this Diablo isn't bad at all. He looks awesome. I love the teal glow that is in him. And he looks more beefy than the previous Diablo. This one I like as well. Looks like he could dish out some melee damage, as well as cast a few spells. My second favorite one. But still, Blizzard wasn't quite happy. They wanted to push the concept a little bit further.

The last and final concept of Diablo for Diablo III. Once again, they go for a slimmer Diablo. But with many more spikes. Don't get me wrong, he looks awesome. But once again I feel Diablo should be more bulky. Looks to.... Feminine I guess you say? Mix this one and the first one, and you'd be set. I'm not trying to complain here, don't get me wrong, I'm down with whatever they feel is the best. I bet in game it will look amazing. What are your thoughts on the Diablo III concepts, and the final art work they are going to use for Diablo? 

Leave a comment, and let us know!


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