Thursday, April 14, 2011

Class set ups for Call of Duty: Black Ops, Part 2

Hello and Greetings!

It's a Thursday, almost through the work week, thankfully. The weekend of endless gaming is right around the corner for most of us, whether you do the good ol' 9-5 or hit up classes everyday for school.

Today, I thought we would continue our discussion for class set ups. I will be posting videos here soon on Black Ops with Commentary as well, giving you guys what I usually run, and some tips on game play as well, that with help you become a better player, and increase your KDR at the same time.

Depending on how you like to play, here is what I recommend if you are rushing starting off at Level 4. Two classes I recommend.

Weapons of choice:
MP5K, Extended Mags     /    MP5K, Rapid Fire
M72 Law [If you are not running Ghost on your build]           
Any other pistol works, your preference [If you are running Ghost]
Frag Grenade

Lightweight/Ghost [And perhaps Flak Jacket if needed]           
Steady Aim              /        Slight of Hand

Those are the two classes that I recommend. I always choose the Jammer over the Claymore, because it blocks the enemy radar within its range, voice shout outs, and most important, ALL enemy equipment, whether it be motion sensor, or claymores. All will be deactivated. Also if you notice, I have Extended Mags with Steady Aim, and Rapid Fire with Slight of Hand. Reason being, you won't be reloading fast with Steady Aim, so Extended mags is almost a must if you don't wanna be outta bullets in 2 seconds. With Rapid Fire, you need Slight of hand, since you'll be spewing bullets like none other, and a slow reload isn't going to help when your out of ammo.

If you like to sit back and own, this is the class I recommend, at Level 4.

M16 w/ Silencer
M72 Law [If you are not running Ghost on your build]
Any other pistol works, your preference [If you are running Ghost]
Claymore [If you have the cash, most likely won't though]

Ghost/Hardline [Flak Jacket if needed]
Slight of Hand/Warlord [If you want a Red Dot, or Dual/Extended Mags]
Hacker/Ninja [No Marathon since you won't be running all over the place]

Depends on the game mode you play, you won't need a silencer at all, and can replace that with what you want.

That is what I recommend at Level 4. As you level up, I would probably take the Enfield, then move on to the Famas if you prefer Assault Rifles.

With Sub Machine Guns, strangely enough, I only use the MP5K until the Spectre. But the AK74u is a great weapon to use as well once you unlock it. I would use the same class set up above with the MP5K, as I would with ALMOST any other Sub Machine Gun. The MPL and Spectre is a different story. Because they are bullet hoses. And with Rapid Fire, it's almost a must to have Scavenger, as the MPL has max fire rate, and the Spectre is just one under it. A 30 round clip is gone is a blink of the eye.

Mostly what is going to change when you unlock new weapons, is just replace the weapon in your classes. Keep the same attachments and such. I know people who use the Famas exclusively. Because it has the RoF of a Sub Machine Gun, and the punch of an assault rifle. It's a good gun, yes, but not for everyone. Make sure to experiment with different weapons and use what fits you best. But attachments and perks go together like I listed above. Ext Mags if you don't have Slight of Hand, and Rapid Fire [And other attachments] with Slight of Hand. Less bullets in the Magazine means more reloading. Better to have the quick reload then to die because you don't have enough bullets to down someone, and can't reload quick enough.

Tomorrow I will tell you what Classes I am using right now, and some different set ups that you can use that are not the generic Assault Rifle/Sub Machine Gun build, and we'll brush up on sniping as well.

I also have a funny video you can watch. Its a lucky Tomahawk kill that I got while playing Capture the Flag. I had a friend over and literally said " Random Tomahawk throw at the Flag Carrier " And ended up nailing him.

It was a great moment for me. Haha. I also got hate mail after the game for it. That's the highlight of it all.

Also notice in the video how I am using what I talked about. And I'm level 33, mind you.

MP5K, Extended Mags
And you can see I am using Steady Aim by the smaller hip fire cross hairs.

Talk to you tomorrow!

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