Wednesday, May 18, 2011

PSN Password Reset Exploited. . .

Well... Sony's latest security measure may have been circumvented. Early reports suggest that Sony's request for PlayStation Network users to reset their passwords could have inadvertently exposed the network to a new set of attacks.

The exploit allows hackers to change user passwords via the PSN password reset page, using just two pieces of information – a PSN account email address and a date of birth – both of which could have been obtained in the original breach.

The exploit was initially reported by Nyleveia, but the story has since been confirmed by Eurogamer, who claim to have seen video evidence corroborating Nyleveia's claims.

As a consequence, the PSN sign-in is currently down on a number of Sony's sites.

Well, this is just wonderful. We finally get the network back up and running, and then another thing has to go wrong. I would recommend that if you have any passwords that are the same as your PSN account, change them. You don't want to risk the possibility of them getting into more then one of your things. That would be bad news. I just don't understand why people would want to keep trying to screw Sony over, and every gamer that plays on the PSN. Just stop! All we want to do is play games online with your friends. So take your hacking to somewhere else!

Anyways, I'll keep you posted on whats going on. Check back later for more.


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