Thursday, June 30, 2011

If you haven't tried out WoW, and always wanted to, now is the time to do so

That's right. The game that steals peoples lives away and ruins relationships and marriages. And does many other countless things that we will not touch on, is sorta, in a way, free to play. That is, until you reach level 20.

From what I have heard, WoW can be played completely free up until level 20. And that's good news for people who might have wanted to try out the game but never got to. Or you just don't want to fork out the 15 bucks a month to play the game. You know, I played the game for years. Off and on. I haven't touched it since Cata came out though. I was able to down Lich King, but then from there, I quit playing.

Now that everyone has a chance to play, and have all the available features up til level 20, you have a shot at trying out the game that... Well pretty much dominates all other MMO's. Give it a shot. You never know.. The addicting could spread onto you, and before you know it, you'll be past level 20 on your way to having a character that is epic'd out. The choice is yours.

Keepin' it short today.


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