Friday, June 3, 2011

Mortal Kombat

Well kids, we are still waiting on Panisko to write up a little somethin somethin' about the map pack for CoD: Black Ops. And there has been a lot of talk about Modern Warfare 3 and now the " CoD: Elite" Where you pay a fee to have certain benefits.. And we'll be touching ground on that a little bit later.

But right now, I wanna talk about Mortal Kombat.  I've recently been playing it quite a bit, and let me tell you what, it's a nice change of pace from playing first person shooters and such. And it's a blast! Like some of the previous MK's, you unlock items by using the Krypt. And use Kombat Koins as currency. Another thing I like about the new MK is that it went back to its roots. Blood and Gore. Not like MK vs DC. A Mortal Kombat game is suppose to be rated M. Not T. There are suppose to be fatalities that make you say OH ****. And the one that comes to mind for me would be Noob Siabots. If you haven't seen that one yet, well, you are in for a surprise, let me tell you what. I know I was when I first saw it.

Another thing I've enjoyed about MK is the Story mode. It's pretty much a movie that you fight in. No joke. And the story is actually pretty darn good. I haven't completed it yet, but I'd say I'm about 85% done. I won't go into detail about the Story, so you'll have to play it to find out what happens. Lets just say you go kinda go back in time through MK1, 2, and 3 and try to change what happened. Pretty sweet.

Another thing that I can't wait to get my hands on is the Tower Challenge. There are a total of 300 challenges. That's right. 300. And that should keep you busy for quite some time. I was to go through them all. It'll take me a while.

Also, you can play online vs people around the world. I played 3 games online yesterday before one of my buddies got on, and I happened to win all 3. Lucky? Maybe so. Sonya is my main character. I remember she was also my main when I played MK: Deception. Sonya has some good moves that are quick, and can cover ground pretty quickly. It's quite handy. Other characters that I play are Smoke, Sub Zero, Kabal, and Scorpion. I can play others, but not as well. And I still need quite a bit of practice. Which hopefully I will get in today.

Well, that's all I have time for today. MK is a very enjoyable game.

I'm on PS3 if you want to play.

PSN: Deadsider07


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