Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New DLC for Mortal Kombat.. And a Tournament in Butte

First things first, lets have a little chat about the Montana Melee Championships 2011, here in Butte Montana. If you are a fan of fighting games in general, you will want to keep reading. Here we go.

Montana Melee Presents: Montana Melee Championships 2011.

Games Include:
  • Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
  • Marvel vs Capcom 3
  • The New Mortal Kombat 2v2 Tag Team (Partner Req.)
  • The New Mortal Kombat 1v1 Singles
Saturday, July 16th, 2011 --- Play begins at 10am.
Butte Plaza Mall, 3100 Harrison Ave, Butte MT.
Registration via email June 9th - July 12th *Preferred!*
Late Registration Friday, July 15th, 4pm-9pm *On Site*
Registration Fee of $10, Plus $5 Per Event you would like to participate in.
All event frees will go towards top 4 prize money.
For more info, and registration, visit Montana Melee on Facebook, or email Montana

Now is that not exciting or what?! I'm pumped to be playing in this bad boy. And beware.. You could get.. SMOKED!

Well, as you all know, there are 4 Mortal Kombat characters that are coming out for DLC this summer for Mortal Kombat, and the 2nd of 4 was just released yesterday, and he goes by the name of Kenshi.

And he is a BEAST. Let me tell you what. If you haven't seen any video's for him yet, you should do yourself a favor, and go look at some.

I'll give you one to check out right now, how bout that?

More Mortal Kombat Videos

Watch it, and that's just a little bit that he can do. Will he be overpowered at first? Yeah, most likely. Is he a versatile character? Indeed he is.

But can you be good enough with him to win the tournament? Who no!

See you guys there on Saturday.

Leave a comment to let me know what you think!


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