Monday, August 22, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII-2.. Excited? Or Not?

Personally, I am excited. FF13 was a hit or miss with a lot of people, mainly because it was so linear. And there weren't real "towns" that you visit and shop at. But I'm thinking that they saw all the negative feed back they got from FF13, and made a full 180 degree turn in the other direction.

There are new screen shots that show off the revamped battle system, and we can also see that citizens of Cocoon are returning to Grand Pulse. Towns and cities are being built on Yaschas Massif. Which was an area with monsters before. You can visit those towns, and interact with NPC's (Let's hope there are actual weapon and armor shops). Now this excites me. Real towns? Please be true!

The graphics look amazing as always. We all know Square Enix (SE) wants to make things perfect before releasing a game. They say that this will be out in Japan in December, and will reach us early next year. Judging from SE's history, you can almost guarantee that there will be some sort of delay. Lets hope not though.

Here is a video that you can watch to bring you up to date with some things that are going down. I can't wait to get my hands on this.

More Final Fantasy XIII%2D2 Videos

Check ittt.

That's all for today.


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