Friday, January 27, 2012

The Best Role-Playing Games of 2012

Hello everyone! Today we are going to be talking about the best role-playing games that will be coming out in 2012.

First up would be Diablo III.

More Diablo III Videos

Now if you were like me a few years ago, you were addicted to Diablo II. And you played it for hours with friends. One reason it was so addicting, would be the chance of finding gear when it drops. And the difficulty of "Hell" mode. It gets quite hard. But as I just mentioned, what is really fun about is the drops. Hell mode has the best gear in the game, and the chances of it dropping are low. But that's the fun about it. If you get something to drop, boy are you ecstatic. It's free to play online as well. So you can have all your friends play together, and it's a blast. Although the bummer thing is, Diablo III doesn't have a release date yet. We are still waiting on it.

The next game on the list is Final Fantasy XIII-2 which comes out next week.

More Final Fantasy XIII%2D2 Videos

Another game that will be a ton of fun. It's only a single player game, but the story makes up for it. Another game that is a lot of fun. You can actually play the demo now if you want to wait a few hours for the download. I played it, and can't wait to get my hands on it. Release date is January 31st. And the story continues on from XIII, but instead of playing Lightning trying to free Serah, her little sister, you now play Serah, and I believe you try to save Lightning in a way. I'm not entirely sure, but I will let you know once I pick up the game. It's going to be a blast, and I cannot wait to play it.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Another game for all you RPG fans out there.

More Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Videos

Now this game I haven't really had a chance to look at, and I have the demo downloading on my PS3 right now, so I can't tell you too much about it, but if you are a RPG fan, this game should be high on your list. The game will have incredible depth, and non-linearity that doesn't beg you to go in a certain direction, and that sort of leans be toward Skyrim. But we'll see how the game plays out.

Well, there are a few of the Best Role-Playing Games coming this year.

We'll touch on more later.


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