Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Let's talk Final Fantasy XIII-2.

Now pretty much all my life growing up, there has always been Final Fantasy. It is one reason why I became such a hardcore gamer. The story and game play... It's just amazing.

I thought FFXIII was a solid game. Yes, it was linear, but it was very story driven, and I enjoyed it. After many complaints about the game design though, they switch things around. Now FF XIII-2 is suppose to be much more open, and actually have towns and shops.

I got to play about an hour of it last night, ( The girlfriend bought it for me ) and so far, I'm enjoying it. If you have played FFXIII and have a save file on your ps3, then you get a few special things. I'm not quite sure what they are as of yet, but when I do find out, I will let you know.

The story continues off of FFXIII, but I am a little confused about something. Why Lightning disappeared in the first place. She wasn't the one that held up Cocoon, that was Fang and Vanille. They turned to crystal.

SPOILER ALERT! If you have not played the game up to the first boss, skip ahead. Unless you want to hear about the story line, ( Little bits and pieces, at least).

The game starts off as you playing Lightning, and she is in a place called Valhalla. And she is protecting some Goddess. You are fighting this guy named Caius  trying to destroy "everything". And Lightning is there to save the day. What I don't get is how Lightning just disappeared, or as the game said "died". It makes no sense. And the end of XIII, she was reunited with snow and Serah. So I'm not sure, but hopefully that will be discussed later in the game. But the game is 3 years after XIII, so perhaps something happened in between there. That's the only thing that I can think of. But details on XIII-2 is still vague, as I have only played a little bit of it so far.

This character Noel comes from the future, (Not much is known about him as of right now) and he is summon to Valhalla, where Lightning is in the heat of battle. She tells him to find Serah, her sister, and tell her she is alive. And to bring Serah to Lightning. Noel then goes through a time gate, and then is brought to the present time of Serah. There is a lot of details in between, but you can tell Noel is from the future because he says that the Legend is true. The legend about how Cocoon was held up from pulse by crystal. And then all of a sudden it disappears. That's where I am at in the game, and I can't wait to play it more.

Now there are a lot of questions that I have, and I'm sure you have as well, (unless you beat the game) but when I find out more about it, I will write another post.

Some things that I am bummed about, would be you only play those 2 characters pretty much all game. I like having a party, and switching people in and out. So that is a bummer for me. But other then that, I think that the game should be great. We'll give you more details later as well.

The story will be amazing. I can't wait to get through it.

That's all for today folks


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