Monday, April 30, 2012

14 Days Til Diablo Walks The Earth Again

Ladies and Gentlemen. We have 14 days until Diablo III. Now some of you might say 15 days, but since it comes out at midnight, well, I'll say 14 days. And it's going to be amazing. I can't wait.

I'm building a new computer just for Diablo III as well. Diablo III can be played on computers that are quite old. Blizzard made it look great for high-end computers and playable on low end computers. And that's a bonus for all realms of gamers.

Now for some of you who might be in the Diablo III beta, it ends May 1st. That is the last day that you are able to play the beta, while they prepare for the release of the game. I'm just worried that the server's won't be able to handle the load right off the bat. But we will have to wait and see.

That's all the time I have for today.

We'll talk later!


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