Monday, April 18, 2011

The Big Bad 15th Prestige..

Well this weekend I hit the big 1-5. 15th Prestige. And let me tell you what, you gain an instant intimidation factor. If you don't get on certain peoples teams, they end up leaving the lobby. It happens all the time. Anyone usually that is 14-15 prestige, people leave the lobby because of you! It's all intimidation. But what some people don't really realize, is that a high prestige doesn't always mean that person is very good. It could mean that they just have a lot of play time on their account, or maybe they share their account with the family, and it gets played a lot. It could be many things.

I happened to hit 15th I believe just under 12 days played time. I'll have to get back to you on that one, but I believe it's right about that. So I double checked it, and I hit 15th prestige at 11 days and about 8 hours.

Now there is a trick that you can do to possibly CoDPoints.svg30,000 points at level one, but you most likely have to be a decent player, but I would recommend doing it no matter what. And no, you cannot get banned for it, or anything like that. This is what you do.

When you max out experience point wise, go into a High Roller Wager Match.Make sure that you have atleast CoDPoints.svg10 points as well. DO NOT PRESTIGE RIGHT OFF THE BAT! Because if the lobby breaks up, you're screwed. When the game is about to start, and the ticker starts going, that's when you prestige. You will have CoDPoints.svg0 points, but you will still get into the game. See what I'm saying here? If you get 1st place, you get CoDPoints.svg30,000 points, which at level one, is a great help. Even if you don't get first, second or third works just fine. Because that's CoDPoints.svg points in the back of your pocket, when you had CoDPoints.svg0 to start off with. And you won't have to worry about getting money any time soon. And if you're a high prestige, that just means Gold camouflage on your guns that much sooner. I hit level 22 or so last night and already have gold camouflage on one gun, and  have CoDPoints.svg25k to spare, which is half way to another one right there.

Now usually when I prestige, I always run MP5K for quite a while, usually... Well almost to the 30's. I use it all the time, with Steady Aim. As it is a beast to hip fire with. But this time around I threw on Rapid Fire, and used Slight of Hand. I have those classes in my previous write ups here on the Blog. But anyways, I decided to switch it up.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I'm not sure which one I like better, but they are both very good.

MP5K Rapid Fire w/ Slight of Hand
Advantages - Quick Reload, Faster Fire Rate, Aim Down Sights Faster (Only if not Running)
Disadvantages - Wider Hip Fire, Smaller Magazine, Reload Often, Run out of ammo quickly

MP5K Extended Mags w/ Steady Aim
Advantages - Larger Magazine, Tighter Hip Fire, Easier to multi-kill groups, Reload Less, Aim Down sights quicker after sprinting, Quicker Melee Recovery
Disadvantages - Slower Reload, Dead If Caught Reloading (Most Likely)

Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but both are great builds to run with. I recommend both.

Now also this Prestige I bought the Famas. Which I never do. I think I only have around 600 kills or so with the gun, mostly from picking it up off dead bodies, because I never use it. This prestige, I decided to buy it, and play more of a mid-defense/mid-offense. (Note: I play Capture the Flag)

Before when I used it, it was always a hit or miss. The recoil would be out of control, it sprays bullets like none other, and such. But this time when I bought it, I was destroying. Getting insane kill streaks, and laying waste. It is always weird how you can use a gun once, and do horrible with it, and then use a gun again, and just own people. Same thing with the Galil for me.

I think I will give the Famas a go for now. Maybe up until the AK-47, which is my baby. But we'll see. The Famas is treating me well, so I will treat the Famas well.

This is the class set up I am rolling right now. Mind you, I am level 22 or so.

Famas with Dual Mags (More ammo, quicker reload)
Frag Grenade
Concussion Grenade
Slight of Hand

Remember to have 2 classes as well, one with Ghost, and one with another 1st slot perk. If they are not throwing up any spy planes, no sense in wasting that slot with Ghost. USE SOMETHING ELSE! If you are running around a lot, use light weight. If you are defending a certain area, use Hardline/Flak Jacket! If you are running outta ammo a lot, use Dual mags/Scavenger! Easy as that.=]

Tomorrow we'll talk about some strategies that you can use while playing objective based games.

Remember you can send me a friend invite! Just remember to tell me you are from the CoD Blog.

Playstation only!


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