Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lets talk Strategy

Alrighty guys, lets talk about Strategies.

First off, Team Death Match.

Now Team Death Match (TDM) can be pretty tricky at times. For one, the spawn system is pretty messed up, and you can have enemies start spawning right behind you. The reason that happens mostly is because your team mates are ahead of you where the enemies would normally spawn, so the spawn points swap. It can be helpful, or very hurtful. If it happens in Nuke Town, you're pretty much toast. What I would recommend for Team Death Match is have a silencer. Reason being, the enemies will be spawning as soon as you kill them. Which means you will rarely get a break from action. There will always be an enemy around you at certain times, most likely. No silencer = showing up on radar = shot from all sides. Put on a silencer, and that takes car of that. If you don't use a silencer, make sure to watch yourself. Especially if you are moving ahead of the pack, or are tagging behind. Because you will get spawns near you and they will come for their revenge.

There are a few things you can do in TDM. One is rush. Rushing has it's bonuses, and well as some disadvantages. Rushers can sometimes get the most kills in the round, and also the most deaths. If you rush right into where 3 or 4 people are spawning, well, you're most likely dead.

For one, use a silencer. It's a must. Two, I recommend using Ghost with your rushing class no matter what. Start off with it, and don't take it off. Reason being, if they happen to those up a spy plane, you won't be seen. No matter what. If you have lightweight and they throw one up, you'd have to switch classes when you die. Keep on Ghost, and you're as stealthy as ever. Also, I would run spy plane as your first kill steak. That way you can see where most of your enemies are. But PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! DO NOT JUST STARE AT YOUR RADAR! The reason people always say how over powered Ghost is, is because when they use a Spy Plane, all they look at is their RADAR! Use your eyes, and look at what is in front of you. Only quickly glance at your radar when you have a Spy Plane up. Other wise, someone with Ghost will run right in front of you, and you're toast!

Now if you are the more defensive type of player, for Team Death Match, you will most likely be using an Assault Rifle, or a LMG. A sniper possibly as well, but lets talk about the first two.

Now you can either camp in one area, or play more of a "Area Defender". Whether that be a building, or maybe you'll be patrolling back and forth in a certain area.

I recommend using a motion sensor. Yes I know some will consider it cheap, but in the long run, it'll help you out. You won't wanna turn your back for a second to look the other way and just be shot, now would you? I didn't think so. :) It isn't a must, but it does come in handy. Next, once you start to kill a few people, move to another area and defend that. Reason being, they will come for you and start to throw everything they have at you. And you don't want to get hit with a concussion grenade and die from getting shot in the back. Grab your equipment, and head to another spot. Guard that area, rinse and repeat. A silencer will help, but you'll run outta ammo pretty quickly. Use scavenger, or maybe use warlord and use dual mags. It'll help you stay afloat longer. Or just pick up an enemy weapon. The choice is all yours my friend.

TDM can be random as hell. Tactics such as these don't always work. There is always something that can go wrong. A random thrown grenade, or maybe even a tomahawk. There always seems to be something. Watch your corners and your windows. Check whats behind you, and watch for when the spawns switch around. Another thing you should learn is where people are going to be spawning, once the spawns switch. It takes a little while, but whenever you spawn, take note of where it is. When the new maps came out, I had no idea where people would be spawning, and I would get shot from the side right as someone spawned there.

Stay on the outskirts of the map when you can! Avoid groups of enemies. Many will be running around the map like crazy. Keep your distance and pop shot them to take them down. Unless you are rushing, then that silenced weapon will do the trick and you can bounce to and fro throughout the map. Just keep on the move. Kill someone from an area, and move to another place looking over where you just killed them. 50/50 chance they will come there again to try and find you.

We'll take a look at some other game modes later. Here are just some tips that you can use that will help you out. Just remember a few key points. Watch your back. Watch those windows. And keep on the move. Don't want to be stuck in the same position when they spawn back and then have them throw everything they have at you. Because that could mean some bad news right there. Keep a good distance from your friends, but not too far away. You don't want them to start spawning right on top of you. And own it up. Shoot to kill.


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