Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lets talk strategy, part 2

Alrighty guys, today lets take a look at some other game modes, and some strategies that you can use.

Today, we'll talk about Capture the Flag, which happens to be my all time favorite by the way.

Now there are a couple builds and strats that you can use to get the most bang for your.. Time I guess?

First one that I would like to talk about is offense. Going to snag the flag. Now there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when going for their flag. For one, there are going to be Claymores right on the Flag. There always is. And there are a couple ways that you can get around that. Very easily, actually. For one, use a Jammer. And just like that, they are all sparking and you can walk right through it. It is what I use every time. Especially since no one ever realizes that it's there and when you snag the flag, they think that they never heard "You're equipment is gone," and that their claymore should have went off.. Until they walk by and see that their claymore is still there, with pretty little sparks coming out of it. Still some don't think anything of it, and don't expect a Jammer. Gotta love it.

The next method that you can use is simply throwing a Flash or Concussion Grenade. That'll disable the Claymores for a short time. But it'll also draw the attention of anyone around the area, whether they are defending or just spawned. Be careful using this method. Run in, and snag the flag. But watch your sides as well.

And lastly, you can take the time to look at the Claymores and shoot them. This is the worst thing that you can do. Because for one, it makes a lot of noise. And for two, the person who put down the Claymore will hear "You're equipment is gone". And they'll come running for you.

Now when you have the flag, keep in mind if you do not have Ghost on, and they throw up a Spy Plane, you will get a "Kill" on their map. And it will constantly be up. Not like everyone else who shows up as bleeps every time the Spy Plane refreshes the Radar. So it's a good idea to use Ghost if you are going to be a flag runner. But Lightweight is a great help too, especially if you have a Sub Machine Gun. You will be running like a mad man and no one can catch up to you. Ballistic Knives are always good to use too, since you run the fastest with those bad boys. But to play it safe, I would recommend Ghost. Especially if you are in a random lobby with no friends. Unless you have a beast team with good defense, then you can run lightweight or something else since they won't be getting your flag very often.

Now when there are many defenders on the enemy team, that's when you need to take things a little bit slower. Don't just go rushing in there. You will get slaughtered. That's when you try to sneak to a spot where you can look around and pick people off. This is when you want a silencer on your weapon. Lots of defenders = Silencer. Got it? K, good. Now, this is always when grenades and secondary grenades come in handy. Use them. It helps you see where the enemies are. And a good Grenade can take out a defender or two, and will help you out. You will eventually learn the camping spots on a lot of the maps, and it'll be cake taking out kids, and stealing their goods.

Now there are a few things for offense.

Lets take a look at defense.

The first thing I would suggest is have a Motion Sensor. Cheap? In a way, yes, but useful as well. It'll watch your back, even a area with two entrances, and you can watch another side. It's a great help. Plop that down in a nice place, where it's out of sight so it won't get destroyed, and defend at another area.
If you are defending at the flag, its a good idea to have the flag close to where you are. So you can see the flag. A lot of the maps have the flag in the open, with cover all around it. Great for you. Be stealthy. Lay down in a area, and keep quiet, and mostly out of sight.And keep your eyes open. A silencer isn't needed, but it will be helpful when multiple people come for the flag. I recommend using Warlord with Dual Mags and a Silencer. That's what I use. Reason being, you get more ammo, a quicker reload every other reload, and you have a silencer. Can't get any better then that. Now when you kill a few people, make sure to switch up where you are hiding. They will look for you in that same spot, so move around, and they will not be expecting it at all. Trust me, it works like a charm. Defense is pretty simple. So not much to it. Keep your eyes peeled, use a motion sensor, and keep in cover. Use Ghost. And Marathon in case they take the flag. You can run them down.

Next is what I like to call "Middle D"

It's where you sit toward the middle of the map and patrol that area. This is what I have been doing quite a bit recently. All that I used to do was offense. I have friends that I play with that are just defense and just offense. And I sit in the middle to protect the flag, and to protect the flag carrier. That is your job. When your teammates grab the flag, back them up. When they get your flag, hunt down that person and get your flag back. Now when you are playing mid-D, you have an advantage. Mainly because people are not expecting someone to play defense there. They expect them at the flag. Which means they will be caught off guard. And that's when you jump and own them. Now people are going to call you a camper and such. It's going to happen. And you will just have to deal with that. And any hate mail that you get. (Always fun to get) But who cares. You are helping you're team. You aren't exactly camping when you are going to be moving around protecting the middle of the map. You are just playing a good defense. I've been called out about it. Because i've been playing Mid-D quite a bit this past week. You aren't camping in one spot waiting for someone to come around the corner. You are simply patrolling the area. That's all. They are just upset because you keep killing them. Simple as that. 

Now you need to make sure that you have a class with a Stela on it. Because there is a wait time on spawning. If the other team happens to get a chopper gun, they will get your flag and cap it multiple times. It's going to happen. You will spawn, and most likely just die again if that thing doesn't get shot down. When they call in air support, it's a priority to get that down ASAP. Trust me on this one.

Now also another good thing to run is Counter Spy Plane. That will help all of your team mates. And when you have one, keep it just in case they happen to get a Black Bird. A Black Bird is bad news for you.

Well, that's all that I have for today. Go out and own it up! Oh and btw, the PSN is down right now. I don't know exactly why, but it's down. And possibly for 2 days. Hopefully the weather will be nice outside! Unless you want to play solo zombies or combat training. Maybe the Campaign. I dunno. I haven't even finished the Campaign. Maybe one day I will. Well, we will chat later for more tips on strategy to help you in game! Make sure to subscribe and join in on the conversation!


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