Friday, April 22, 2011

A Polish Strategy on Domination

  Jonnie and i have been talking about strategy and gameplay since Black Ops came out in Nov. and we still do daily... call it lack of a life, or just a love of this damn game. But we are both died in the wool Black ops players.

We played Modern Warfare 2 together, with several other friends, and to be honest, really had a Solid group of players. What is really funny to me is on MW2 our game of choice was Search and Destroy, Period. And now that we have moved onto B.Ops, neither of us play it much, if at all.. After several prestiges each, playing every game type, we have both found our calling, Jonnie on Cap the flag, and I’ve found my way to Domination.

  As i was grinding my way through prestiges, i found myself playing a ton of Ground War, and as i payed more attention to the maps i was voting for i found that i never, NEVER voted Team Deathmatch, if it was a decision between 2 TDM's id vote random, if that came up TDM i found myself quiting, loooking for Domination. So my slow witted mind realized that domination, for the most part, is my game.

   Jonnie's last entry about Offense, Defense, & Middle D really holds a lot of water in Domination as well. The offense side is really, Really self explanatory, pedal to the floor attacking any red flag, period. That is the aspect I’ll really examine here, This outlook is very effective while playing alone, and even scarier when you have backup and people coordinating attacks.. ill talk the roaming role, and D later. But the Best Offense, is an Aggressive offense..

  If your in the offensive mindset, Sub Machineguns are the weapon of choice.. i wont get into the ins and outs of them, its your call, and besides i can never make up my own mind, i go thru them all. This week its been duel weildin Scorpions... for some reason...don't ask. Shotguns are a close second to Subs, but much harder to play, especially on more 'open' maps. When im rockin the Spaz, i Always run pistols or B.Knives as my secondary, so i can replace my secondary quickly with a picked up weapon. Assault rifles certainly are not out of the question for the Offensive build either, and again personal preference is the way to go with assault rifles.

Perk load-out.. the only Pre-req's i see for this build are Marathon (pro is huge), in the offensive mindset no other 3rd, we can talk ninja later. For seconds Steady Aim, for your Subs, and Shotty's, and slight of hand for a few subs, ( i perfer sleight of hand for the MPL rather than Steady aim) and Slight for all the Assaults you might use in the O mindset. The 2nd and 3rd perks are easy in 100mph mode..

The 1st perks is where things get cloudy. Lightweight seems like a no-brainer, and is. I use a Sub, and a Shotty build with lightweight. You absolutely run circles around people with Lightweight on, and if you run a HIGH controller sensitivity, your all NEO-like.. dodgin bullets.

Ghost is also really nice in this build, when your runnin flat out.. your not going to stop and worry about pesky spyplanes..And if you have the PRO of it.. even better, sentry guns, choppers,.. any of it, doesnt stop you from capping.

Scavenger is great as well, especially if you like Subs with rapid fire, the hose needs water :)  Scavenger Pro with the Offensive mindset is fantastic, the pro allows you to resupply secondary grenades too, which is FAB.. If your dying with grenades of any kind left on your body, shame on you.. spam those things..

Hardline  is a perk I love.. but not for this build.. the last thing you want on Full Rush mode is to be waiting for care packages and SAM turrets.. let the middle movers, or the campers.. rrr.. the Defensive players.. call those in.
Last but not least is flack jacket.. in Domination, flack jacket should be absolute money, I say it like that because, well I don’t use it at all.. nada. The only time thus far ive even bought it is when we all had a bet to see who could unlock every PRO perk in a prestige first.. If you are a player that is worried about your KD maybe flackjacket is for you in Domination..  I could care less about my KD.. I want WINS.. I never touch Flack Jacket..
With all that said, I have 8 offensive builds.. 3 Submachine gun builds, one with ghost, one with scavenger, one with lightweight, steady aim on all, with marathon. 2 Shotty builds. Silenced Spas-12s, 1 ghost, 1 Lightweight,  Steady, marathon, and my new ‘favorite’ which changes all the time.. Dual Skorpions, scavenger, steady, Marathon. AND they all use Jammers, Jammers are Fab.. You can normally cover 2 separate flags with a well placed jammer..and they just mess with the other team.. highly suggest them in Domination for any build. Period. My other 2 builds are Mid-Aggressive builds, which we can talk about later..
Right off the bat in any game your going to want to get a guage of what kind of team your playing, and playing with for that matter. If it takes several seconds for the other team to cap their closest flag, you know they are a rushing team.. instead of the whole team stopping for the flag several have taken off for B, or to catch your team unaware by getting into good ambush spots. If im playing a real aggresive team is when ill go to the shotguns.. or dual Skorpions, all the fights are going to be Real close quarters, gun fights are going to be brief, and bloody, you want to do as much damage as fast as u can.Almost 100% of the time ill be putting my jammer around B, closer to their side of the map..
 If they cap their first flag real fast you can kind of guess they are not going to be going Full out. Your probably looking at snipers, heavy machine guns, and assault rifles, possibly a "rush' scraggler. There are some amazing rush snipers still around, but most people using sniper rifles are going to be those people you can kill with a tomahawk DAYS before they can get you with a PSG1, and they will always try to get to high ground, or to sniper perches.. always call them out so your team knows..
Campers, what can you say about campers.. people who play Domination like they are playing TDM, campers want to make me cut myself.. maybe its because i have no patience what-so-ever, im so damn ADHD I cannot sit still.. period. Campers will kill you, maybe several times.. but you will have the advantage, you know where he has set up his camp stove, and claymore.. grenade him.. flashbang/stun/teabag him.. Call him out so your team drops a ton of firepower on him.. whatever it takes. Those are the players who think that its really cool to get their dogs/gunship out in Domination but lose 200-65, and finish with no caps, and 0 defends..
And on that.. i truly believe in playing like a team even when im not with a group of friends.. In my offensive mindset i only run 2 different Killstreak setups.. if im by myself i run 3,4,5.  spyplane, counter spy, and Napalm. (napalm for those fools who try to take my flags back), and if im with a good group, i run 3,4,8. spy, counter, SR-71. if you have a couple of people running SR-71=SICK.. once the first Blackbird is in the air.. its Really easy to overlap them.. and just start playin Taps at that point..
Wow.. sorry really long winded, so remember cap those flags, pronto.. know where the campers are watching you from when u dive on that flag, and leave the M60, or Stoner at home when playing Rush. Im on the Xbox for BlackOps, Ichabad13, so look me up we'll go get some 12year olds to swear at us.



  1. great tips and ideas, and I would love to try them but being the ps3 player that I am, I can no longer play until the network straightens out this "maintenance issue." If this truly was do to a bunch of hackers...well thanks a bunch. They really did nothing to hurt Sony, it only hurt all of the players on the Playstation Network since it is free to play, it doesn't really hurt Sony at all. Just had to rant a bit and needed a place to vent my frustration and I figured a Black Ops blog was perfect.

  2. Trust me, I feel your pain. Paul plays on XBL. And I am exclusively on PSN.. And this outage sucks! I'm guessing it has to deal with hackers. IGN has an updated article about whats going on. One of my friends was about to prestige on Wednesday when it when down.. And as you know, hasn't been able to play yet. Kinda funny in a way, but Sony really needs to be working on this to get the PSN back online. They first said a day or two. And now it's been 3 days. Frustration indeed.
