Monday, April 25, 2011

5 days and counting for the PSN being down...

Well, as many of you guys know out there, The PSN has been down for.. What.. 5 days now? Since Wednesday night. And let me tell you what, it is a little frustrating. I know that it is free and all, and a lot of fanboys out there for the xbox have been laying down all they have against everyone who plays on the PSN, but the xbox has had it's outages before, and it's down time. Back in 2008, it was down for 2 weeks! But lets just hope the PSN isn't down for that long.

Now Sony hasn't really said too much about the outages so far. The main reason, yadda yadda. The only information that we have received is "The PlayStation Network outage is due to an external intrusion". And did not clarify beyond that. A timetable for when PSN will be up and running again was also not provided. Which is a major bummer. Hopefully you have a single player game on hand, or perhaps you could go outside and.. Play? At least the weather outside was nice this weekend. Now the weather could be getting bad. No playing outside for me.

We have another update that was posted not too long ago. And pretty much what is happening is they are saying the outage will be continuing (Once again without any timetable saying when it'll be back online) and that Sony will be REBUILDING it's system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. How long do you think that is going to take? Rebuilding from scratch? Hopefully they have a skeleton of the thing and don't have to start from nothing. If this will help the Network, then that's a good thing. But if it's going to take 2-3 weeks to complete, then at least give us a temporary option to be able to play online. If that is possible. It would help curb the addiction, if you know what I mean.

Now this is going to damage Sony in multiple ways. For one, why buy a new game? I mean, if the main aspect of it is Multiplayer. There is no incentive to buy it. Single player? Pfft. If it's anything like CoD: Black ops, why buy it just for the Single Player? I haven't even played single player. Now, game like the New Mortal Kombat, I would buy even for the Single Player. It's a lot of fun. The story mode is pretty interesting. My friend Cory bought it, and we battled it up a bit. Only thing for Multiplayer would be to play against your friends. Which can wait. Another option that you guys have is to LAN a game. Which is.. Well, more difficult. Reason being, you all need to be in the same place at the same time. And that can be a challenge all on it's own. And also in Black Ops, you can only kill so many bots before it gets.. Lame.

With the PSN being down, should we be compensated in any way? Maybe we should get some cash moneys in our wallets. Or perhaps a free game for everyone. Whether it be a PS One classic. Or maybe a free PSN Game? I think we should get something. Maybe a 1 game for every week that it is down. Just cross your fingers it won't be down for 2 weeks. I can hold off for a couple more days, but when it hits a week and a half, that's when shit starts to hit the fan for me. I can't get friends to come over every day just to LAN. That gets a little tedious for everyone.

And what about developers who just put out new games? They are losing money for each hour the PSN is down. I know i'm not buying a new game until the network is at least up, or if they give us a rough estimate on when it'll be back online. If you recently bought Portal 2 and SOCOM 4, I feel sorry for you. It can be fun for a while playing solo, but after a while, you're going to want that Multiplayer action. And you will have none. Zip. Nada. Zilch. I understand that the outage is not Sony's fault. My guess is it is some douche bag who thinks they are getting back at Sony for something, when really they are just hurting the millions of people on the PSN. But the big reason is unknown, besides for certain people, why the network is really down. Maybe if Sony communicated a little bit better, then gamers wouldn't be so upset, and be understanding. But they are keeping this pretty tight. I only hope the "Re-building" of the PSN doesn't take weeks.

Recently, I started to play Borderlands. The game has been out for quite some time, but I got the game with all the expansions for only 20 bucks at Gamestop. I think the deal goes until the end of April. Better hurry before it's too late. And the game is pretty fun. If you have ever played Diablo II, the loot is just like that. Random (Except the one thing I strongly dislike about it, is that the bosses always drop the same loot gun wise. Total bummer there). With rares, epics, and legendary. No set items though, which I thought was a shame. I remember farming Mephisto over and over on hell difficulty getting the rarest of rares off him. Hours upon hours, let me tell you what. Anyways, back to borderlands, over the weekend I mostly LAN'ed the game. Obviously, since the PSN is down. And it has been fun. Between leveling up for the first time, learning the story, and doing the Arena's, it has all been a blast. Now if you're like me, you like to grind and farm. Leveling up like a mad man, and then turn around and own up the main quests. Paul told me he finished his first play through around level 29. I''m currently 35, and still need another part of the key for the Vault. I blame that on the Zombies. And maybe a few other things as well. I think tonight I will finish the main story, and try out some arena's and stuff. But the game is fun. Even single player, mainly because it is my first time through the game. I farmed Old Haven's chests for a couple hours last night. Have some good loot to share with my buddies. Mostly Revolvers, Snipers, and Rocket Launchers. I play a siren. WTB Submachine gun, PST!  For only 20 bucks though, the game is a steal, especially since it includes all 4 expansions. I just wish the PSN! And speaking of the PSN...

Do you think we should be compensated with the outages? Leave a message below, and tell me what you think.


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