Monday, May 2, 2011

PSN Back Online Tomorrow (hopefully)

Well, I was right. Looking back at my earlier post and my scenarios about what features will be available when the PSN comes back to life. We will be able to play with our friends and such, but be unable to access the Store for a little while. At the latest, the end of May. Which is okay for me, I rarely use the PSN store anyways. I used to use it a lot when I was into Rockband and would download every new song that I liked. But that was before I moved outta my parents house.

Now honestly I'm pretty excited. PSN back up tomorrow. And we get some incentives as well since the Network has been down. Everyone will receive  a free 30-day PlayStation Plus membership. Nice! Except I'm worried about one thing.. Well. Yes we will get PS Plus for 30 days after the network comes online.. But we won't fully be able to use PlayStation Plus until the store comes back online. Because that's where you get the joys of having PS-Plus. Discounts on games, early start on betas, yadda yadda. I'm hoping that we can choose when we want to activate the membership so the days don't get wasted. No store = No points in having PS-Plus. At least in my book. Now everyone that already has PS-Plus will receive 30 days of addition service at no cost. Not too shabby Sony. I don't know about you guys, but I am pretty excited to give this a try. Might make me want to actually get PlayStation Plus.. But we will have to wait and find out about that one. Additionally, Music Unlimited subscribers will receive 30 days of free service as well. Sony is also working with the FBI to sniff out the smelly teenager who hacked the Network. Just look for the trail of Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew.. I'm sure they will find him in no time.... once again Sony did reaffirm that it does not believe credit card info was taken, but just in case, keep an eye on it. You never know.

Now when we get the Network goes live, users will have to download a new system firmware update and will make you change your login password. Only thing i'm worried about.. Well.. I got my ps3 back when it first came out. And haven't had to put in my password in.. YEARS. So hopefully they won't ask for your old password to change it to a new one. I have an idea of what it is.. But we'll see. That's the only thing that I am worried about. Sony will also do a "phased rollout" by region for PSN services. Tomorrow's (HOPEFULLY) initial rollout includes:

- Restoration of Online game-play across the PlayStation 3 and PSP systems. This includes titles requiring online verification and downloaded games

- Access to Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity for PS3/PSP for existing subscribers. Sony will have a phased rollout by region for PlayStation Network next week. The services that will be available include:

- Access to account management and password reset

- Access to download un-expired Movie Rentals on PS3, PSP and MediaGo

- PlayStation Home

- Friends List

- Chat Functionality

And as I mentioned before, the major service that won't be available right off the bat is the PSN Store.

And if the Network isn't up and running tomorrow.. I will be a sad boy. But that's quite alright. I have farming to do on Borderlands! I gotta get a jump up on my brother ya see. I can now solo the "Super Secret Boss" and I wanna find a pearlescent weapon and show it off! Now tomorrow is also the day that the 360 gets the new map pack for Black Ops. And we'll have all the details on that here in the next couple of days. Mr. Panisko will be giving you all the details. So make sure to check back daily here. Us PS users will have to wait an extra month, so if you want the jump on everyone else, we'll give you that little boost you need. Well. Panisko will.

Now back to the PSN being up and running here soon, I am pumped. I can't wait. Do you know how hard it is to get people together to LAN a game? It's almost impossible! I never realized how much we take for granted being able to hop on and join a friends game. With the network being down, I either had to go over to someone's house, or they had to come to my house. It's a pain, trust me on that one. I was only able to do that if the woman had to work in the evening. As many of you guys out there know, they don't like to be alone at home, especially if you are just going over to someone's house to play games. But, that's all fixed when the PSN is up. Cross your fingers it's up and running tomorrow.

That's all for today.


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