Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's Tuesday.. But where is the PSN?

Well. If you tried to log in to the PSN today, you know that the network STILL is not up and running. Why is it you ask? I'm not quite sure. But it seems like they are taking their sweet time getting it back up and running. They said Tuesday that it would be up, but it's still not. I know it's still pretty early in the day, so as of right now, I'll cut them some slack. But it better be online by the time I get home so I can play!

Now there has been some people worried about the rewards we are receiving from this outage. About getting PlayStation Plus. Mainly because if you get games for free and such, they will go away once your 30 days is up of PlayStation Plus.Which means if you want to continue playing them, you'll either have to buy the game or pay for PS Plus. So this outage could actually make Sony money, instead of losing it. It's quite the clever tactic. Those who couldn't decide if PlayStation Plus was actually worth it will be able to test it out. And see if they want to purchase it or not. I know that I will be passing it up. Because I really don't use the PS Store all that much. Other people do, but not I. I'm not too concerned when we'll be getting the Store back online. What I am worried about.... IS ONLINE CAPABILITIES! I want to be able to play with my friends! And just to make matters even worse, Mr. Panisko has to rub it in that he gets the new Map Packs today for Cod: Black Ops. And he already is home playing it. Curse him! But on the bright side of things, he will be right up some strats and other things about the map packs to give us an advantage. For that, I will keep my enemy close! I want to have the upper hand when the new maps come out for the PSN. You know I was thinking about the store and everything now. It's nice that CoD has the store inside of the game. Even though Sony said that the store will be available by the end of this Month, you never know. And if it wasn't up and running by the beginning of June, well, the maps would be out.. But we wouldn't be able to get them. That would be a total bummer. So thank you 3arc, for giving us a store inside the game.

But most importantly....

I really hope it'll be up later on tonight. They said Tuesday. So lets hope.

That's all for today.


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