Friday, May 6, 2011

PSN Restoration in it's "Final Stages"

Yes indeed, you heard it. In the coming days, the service will be up and running.

Well I guess I will say it for all of us.


Now I know that Sony has been rebuilding the network from the ground up, and in two weeks.. Wow.. Talk about a lot of work to be done, but us gamers have a craving. And it needs to be tamed! You know, we can only hold off on single player games for so long!

But we can't just put all the blame on Sony ya know.. Because this could have happened to anyone. My guess is that Sony was targeted because of everything else that has been going on with them.. The whole thing with Anon and the earthquake.. They have been going through a lot. And someone just happened to see the window of opportunity, and took it. And they blamed it on Anon. Which anyone could tell most likely wasn't them. Why would they steal all of that information, and then leave behind a folder labeled Anonymous, with inside, "We are Legion"? They wouldn't leave evidence like that. Obviously, someone is setting them up. And trying to point the finger at someone else. Whoever did this though, will get whats coming for them. Just wait and see.

With the network being down right now, there is another thing that is on my mind right now. With the new map pack that just came out for CoD: Black Ops, double XP is this weekend. And right now, we cannot take part in that. BUMMER. Huge downer. For one, I have friends that wanna prestige. And this is the best opportunity for that. For instance, my friend Cory has been in the high 40's for.. What two weeks now? Unable to play. And now is the perfect time to get those last few levels outta the way. But alas, it's not possible. And for myself, I believe I'm in the mid 30's. I just need to hit 50, and I'm done leveling. I'll be 15-50. No need to get pro perks anymore, or anything. I'll be done. I cannot wait for that.

That's all for today though folks. Sony, please get  the PSN up this weekend. And if it's not up in time for the double XP, then lets just hope we will get our own double xp the next weekend. And if we don't, well, that just adds to the frustration of everyone on the PSN.


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