Monday, May 9, 2011

Sony Dates PSN Return

Well, ladies and gentlemen.. Sony has said that all PSN services should be up and running May 31st. And this can be misinterpreted very easily. Now, first, lets set things straight. The store is the last thing that will be available too all of us. So by May 31st, the store will be working. And even before that, multiplayer functionality will be ready to go before that. According to the PlayStation Blog, that is the first thing that they are working on to be ready to go. So that's always a bonus. On Friday I believe, Sony said they were in the final stages of testing that system. So my hopes are that multiplayer will be available this week. Now that's not a promise or anything, but I think they are wrapping things up with multiplayer very soon. And we will be able to play once again with our friends in different states and yadda yadda here soon.

On the other hand of things, if you have friends in the town/city that you live in, you can still play with them, if they come over and you LAN the game. Which has it's bonuses and such. I went to my brothers house a couple days a week to play. We've been playing Borderlands for a bit, and well we both are maxed out now. And have been farming the "super secret boss", trying to get pearlescent weapons to drop. Have we had any at all? NO WE HAVE NOT. And it's very frustrating. I've killed this dude, not even kidding, at least 40 times. No joke on that one. And I have yet to see one drop. Now there is the bug where you can get him to stay in once place and such, and we did that in the beginning. But now that we are both maxed, we can take him out legit. Funny story though, because I play a Siren and he plays the sniper class (Can't think of the name right now). And I have an "escape route" I guess, with my ability. Him on the other hand... Well. He dies because he can't run very quickly. And I can run pretty darn fast. If I kill a crab, well, I get a 50% run increase. I think he does too, but he died quite a bit. But in the end, we killed the guy, and it's actually a lot easier then I thought it would be. Now here are tips on killing his little minions if you don't know already.

Green Crabs = Fire Damage
Purple Crabs = Corrosive Damage
Worms = Shock Damage

So use weapons with a high elemental chance and they will go down in no time. I can crit the green crabs for 99,999 with the sniper I have. So they go down pretty quickly.

Once my brother and I got bored with that, for some odd reason, we popped in Modern Warfare 2. And started doing Spec Ops. Which was pretty fun actually. He got a new ps3 so he didn't have anything done on there. No stars. ( On his old ps3 he plat'd the game ) so we got as many missions done on Veteran as we could. Didn't do too bad either! And was fun.

Even though the PSN is still down, there are other games and other things that you can do. We even went shooting. And that was a lot of fun. First time shooting a gun in about 7 years or even more.

But lets just hope the multiplayer aspect of the PSN will be up and running soon. I don't need the store right off the bat. Just mostly the multiplayer. plzkthx.

Now when the network and such comes up.. What's the first thing you are going to do? Do you trust Sony with all of your personal information? Are you going to take off your credit card info and start buying PSN cards to buy things off the store? What game are you going to be playing first? With the updates that are happening you are required to change your password as soon as you sign on. Which is a good thing.

I believe that is all for today.

Til next time!


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