Monday, May 16, 2011

PSN Is Back Up And Running

Yes indeed, you heard me. The PSN is back up and running.. Which means I won't get any more crap from Panisko! Which has lasted.. Well.. Nearly 4 weeks.

According to a press release, the first services users can expect to return are:

  • Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity services, including the resetting of passwords
  • Restoration of online game-play across PS3 and PSP
  • Playback rental video content, if within rental period, of PlayStation Network Video Delivery Service on PS3, PSP and MediaGo
  • Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity, for current subscribers, on PS3 and PC
  • Access to 3rd party services such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and
  • 'Friends' category on PS3, including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc
    PlayStation Home
Now as soon as you sign in, you will automatically be prompted to change your password. And please, make sure to change it to something else. And not the same password that you had before. Don't take that chance. For extra security, your password can only be changed on your PS3 or PS3 your account was activated on. If you try to use a system where your account isn't activated, an email will be sent to your registered email account. So hopefully you know which email your account is tied to. And not one you used to use years ago.

Even though the network is back up and running, the store isn't. So if you have add ons that you would like to get, or the latest Rockband DLC, you're just going to have to wait.. About another 2-3 weeks. Sorry guys. I know that's a bummer, but at least multiplayer is up and running. That's what I've been waiting for. Just remember we do get some bonuses here soon now that the network is up and running. I'm assuming once the store kicks on, we will be able to receive our "payments" that we get for the network being down. Now PlayStation Plus will be nice to have, but when you download those free games that you get from it, the ability to play those will be gone once the 1 month trial ends. Might just be enough to get you to subscribe, who knows. I'm pretty sure that I won't be subscribing to it. It has many benefits, yes, but I wouldn't use them to their full potential. But many of you out there could. I would definitely purchase it if I bought several games from the PSN, but I don't.

I was able to play Black Ops for a bit last night. Played for about 1.5 hours, and there was something I noticed..  The people I played with were either very good at the game, or they were just horrible. There really wasn't an in-between kinda guy. It was fun though. While the network was down, I played a couple rounds of bots not too long ago. Just have to make sure I stay fresh. Honestly though, when I started playing, it felt weird. It's been too long since I've really REALLY played the game. The controls just feel weird, and the sticks on the controller, to me, felt really loose. I wasn't used to it. I play on a high sensitivity (9) so, I had to kinda readjust. I didn't change it, but it took a bit for me to get the hang of it. 

Now with the network being back up and running, what is the first game that you are going to play online? And what are you looking forward to? Leave a comment below and tell me what you think.

And with that token, let's take a look at something else again really quickly. Modern Warfare 3. Yes, we did talk about. And it's almost certain the game is coming out November 8th. There is a poster now with the dates confirming it. w00t! Which means you better get to 15th prestige quickly on Black Ops before it's too late. Now there are also a couple little trailers out on IGN. They aren't much though, which is disappointing. I thought maybe there would be a little bit of game play. Another thing I am kinda bummed about in MW3 is that they are keeping the same engine. I'm hoping for the NEXT CoD, after MW3, they make a new engine to run the game. I guess we'll have to wait and find out about that one.

One more thing before I take a break, with the network being down.. I've been going back and playing old games that I thought I wouldn't really play again. And one of those would be Diablo II. I remember first playing this game back in the day when I was in 6th-7th grade. That's like 9-10 years ago or so. And it was a BLAST back then, and right now I'm having a lot of fun playing too. And to make things a challenge this time around, I'm playing Hardcore. And if you've played Diablo II, you know what I'm talking about. Hardcore means that if your character dies at all in game, then that char is dead. You are unable to play him ever again. Which means.. DONT DIE! It's tough, yes, but a lot of fun as well. Just make sure that you are careful. I'll teach you a little trick. If you are on the verge of dying.. Save and Exit. As quickly as you can. That has saved me many times, and it will save you as well. Stuck in a corner or anything? Just save and exit. And be quick about it.

Don't forget you are always welcome to send me a message and game it up.Don't be shy, my friends and I always have a blast when playing. And if you are new, we'll help ya out, not a problem. And if you are a seasoned veteran, well, lets kick some butt!

PSN: Deadsider07
Diablo II: Xellioth

That's all for today folks, leave a comment below and tell me what you think about everything. Til next time.


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