Thursday, January 5, 2012

House of the Dead 3 and 4.. And more

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while, but let's get down to business, shall we?

Up first, I want to talk about House of the Dead 3 and 4. Remember back in the day when you used to hit up arcades and play House of the Dead? Oh yeah. Me too. Now they are coming to the PSN, and you will be able to play them whenever you want, without having to put in a lot of quarters. It's a win win right there. I haven't purchased a move yet.. But this is a really tempting offer. No doubt about that. This is what would make me want to get a move. Just this game alone.

Another thing that I would like to touch on, is Modern Warfare 3. I was able to pick it up, and boy is it fun. I agree that it's pretty much a reskin of MW2 and Black Ops, but it's still very fun. With new guns and new perks. It's a blast, just like Black Ops was. I'm not very high level right now, so I don't have many things unlocked quite yet. I am currently in the 30's though, and not doing too bad. I haven't played Black Ops in a while, so I was a little rusty, but currently holding steady at about a 2.5 KDR. Which really isn't too bad, especially for the break I took from playing FPS's.

Now, the gun I've mostly been using is the Scar. With a Silencer, and Impact. Just because with the Silencer, it makes the range lower, so if I shoot through a wall at a long distance, well, I want to be able to do a decent amount of damage. And without Impact, I would do very little at a long range.

I take Slight of Hand, since I like being in the middle of combat. Stalker, so I can strafe well, and then I use Quickdraw. It's nice when you are once again, in the middle of combat. Now when I say middle of combat, I don't specifically mean right in the middle things. I mean I'm always where the action is taking place. I don't run in like a kamikaze. You want to keep your distance. And pick people off when you can. You will be having teammates who will just rush in, maybe get a kill or two, and then just end up dying. That is why when you can, you want the enemy to come to you. Don't just run into a area. Walk, or crouch, and move forward slowly. Always check corners, you never know who is going to be camping in a corner just waiting for kills. Those are just some quick tips I can give you off the top of my head. I'll be talking more about MW3 at a later date, but so make sure to subscribe, and we'll get things rollin'. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 

Til next time,


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