Friday, January 6, 2012

Modern Warfare 3

Hello everyone! It's a Friday, and we are going to be chatting about Modern Warfare 3 for just a bit. Now, up first I want to run through what setup I've been running. I've tried out the UMP in MW3, and it just doesn't seem to be as good as it was in MW2. So I've been rolling the Scar. And I really think it's a solid gun.

Another gun that I love to use when I pick one up, would be the AK-47. It's a beast. Silencer or not, it tears people up for sure.

Anyways, I've really been enjoying the game. The maps are pretty decent. But if you get locked down on certain maps, well, you could be stuck there. There were a couple games that I played where we got rolled and locked down in a corner. It wasn't very fun.

I also picked up a sniper rifle through my play time. And it feels a lot different then it did in MW2 or Black Ops. A lot different. It feels smoother, and not as bulky. It just feels more comfortable.  Just make sure to not miss that shot, or you could be dead.

Alrighty, another thing I want to touch on, would be the perks. I think that they are set up very well. There are a couple in every slot that are very good, and it's a hard choice. And that's how it should be. Unlike in Black Ops where the first perk slot, everyone would use Ghost, because the other perks weren't as good as Ghost.

And now, you have to decide between Overkill, and Quick Draw. That right there for me, is a pretty hard choice.

The Killstreaks I would like to touch on as well. The Predator Missile was always one of my favorites. And it's back. I've been running 5-7-9. The Attack Helicopter is a great Killstream in MW3. Much better then in MW2. For sure. So it's a great Killstreak to pick up.

Alright, that's all the time that I have today, but I will touch on more MW3 at a later date.

Have a great weekend everyone, and be safe!


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