Tuesday, October 16, 2012

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Hello everyone! How goes the day so far? Mine is well.

Now that we have our greeting out of the way, let's talk games. I've had a good amount of time to play the new WoW expansion, and let me tell you what, it's interesting.

The biggest complaint about the new xpac would hands down be dailies. Because as of right now, it seems to be a big part of the game. If you want a flying serpent mount, you have to do dailies. If you want to use your valor points to get better gear, you have to do dailies to earn reputation for. The main faction that you will be working on is the Golden Lotus. Because in order to start doing dailies for the other factions such as Shadow-pan and The August Celestial, you have to be REVERED with the Golden Lotus, which takes about 2 weeks or doing dailies every single day.

Also, heroics seem to be pretty easy. And they were easy in Cataclysm as well. I was hoping for a big challenge in heroics, but that was a let down there. A huge plus I found in the heroics though, was that there is no guaranteed epics. That was the big thing that I was happy about. I like the fact that you have to work for epics now. And there is only a small chance of them dropping in heroics. HUGE plus. Because when you get decked out in epics, it means that you actually had to work for that stuff. And it not just handed to you.

Another that that I want to touch on would be PVP. Now, I've pvp'd A LOT recently, and its different. You automatically get a 40% reduction in damage taken from other players, then on top of that you can buy pvp gear that will increase the amount as well. But players can get "pvp power" which then increases the amount of damage you take. But the big thing I notice, is that pvp is not balanced at all. No where balanced. My pally has a lot of pvp resilience, and I'm still getting hit for 95k. Which should not happen at all. If you get stunned once, you can get burned down from 100% to 0. And when that happens its not even fun. Mind, you, my Pally is in full Dreadful PVP gear, and one piece of Malevolent. If I don't get CC'd though.. I can do the same to anyone else. Pop all cooldowns, and down someone. It just needs a little more balance.

I haven't stepped into the new raid yet, so I don't have info on that. Mainly because our healers aren't quite up to par yet, and recently just hit 90. But as soon as we get in there, I'll make sure to let you know how it goes.

Have a good one everyone, and we'll chat with you again later!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Final Fantasy XIII-3. Yes, there is another FF XIII coming out.

Hello everyone!

I figured today we can talk a little bit about the Final Fantasy franchise, specifically, Final Fantasy XIII.

If you are a fan of Final Fantasy, then you know that XIII, and XIII-2, was iffy compared to the many other games.

The main reason people didn't like XIII was because it was so linear, and you only control one character at a time.

The main reason people didn't like XIII-2, was because you never played Lightning. And as your third party member, you just had a monster with you. Which I disliked very much. And also the ending was just horrible.

Now in Final Fantasy XIII-3, you once again get to control Lightning, which makes me very happy. And supposedly, there is going to be just one ending in this game, and that it'll be a happy one. So a thumbs up there.

There are also some weird mechanics going into this game. As you play through, there is going to be a timer on the screen. It starts at 13 days. And in 13 days, the world will end. And depending on your actions, the remaining life of the world can increase, or decrease, meaning that the world could actually end before the 13 days. Also, each of the "in-game" days lasts around one and two real-world hours. So it looks as if this game will be quite different from the others, and hopefully the get it right. Maybe the third time is the charm?

The game is called Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. And it will be the final game to feature Lightning.

Speaking of that, when I played Final Fantasy XIII, (Which I played A LOT of) I really liked all the characters and such. I had a great time with the game. But Final Fantasy XIII-2, I got through about 1/4 of it.. And I just couldn't bring myself to play it anymore. Mainly because I missed playing Lightning. And now that she is back in Final Fantasy XIII-3, hopefully that "spark" (pun intended) will be back, and everyone will want to play the game.

Alright. That's all I got for today folks. Have a good one, and we'll chat with you again sometime soon!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's Been A While.. Let's Get This Show On The Road

Hello everyone! How is the day going so far? Hopefully good for you!

It's been a while since I've posted on here.. And I figured that it was just about time for me to start this up again, now that things aren't as chaotic here.

The first thing that I would like to touch on.. Is World of Warcraft. The new expansion is next month.. And I already miss the background on the log-in screen from Cataclysm. It just felt more.. Epic. But I'm sure the MoP background will grow on me.

They just introduced patch 5.0.4., which revamped much of the game. Talent tree are almost non-existent. Now instead of getting a talent point about everyone 2 levels, you get 1 "skill" from the talent tree every 15 levels. Most of the old talents in the trees, such as for Protection, Retribution, and Holy, (For Paladin) are now integrated right into your spell book, whether they are passives now or not. You get your old talents for "free" from which ever tree you decide to use. It's an interesting set up.. And something all of us will have to get used to.

Another big thing that they changed.. Is Blizzard placed a hard cap on your mana pool. For healers, at level 85, 100k is max. For my protection Paladin, I am capped at 20k. Which is fine by me, I don't use a whole lot of it. Consecration (The Paladins AoE holy/fire skill) now only costs 1200 mana. Which is.. A blessing (pun intended). It used to cost around 14k, and it was a pain in the ass to use just because of the high mana cost, and it wasn't worth getting the talent points to reduce the cost of it. So that's one thing that I am excited about. Paladins can now also hold 5 charges of Holy Power, instead of the normal 3. So that will be interesting as well. I used Word of Glory with 5 charges, and it healed me for 85k. Can you imagine that for Ret paladins in PVP? I feel it will be a little too strong, especially since they removed the cooldown from Word of Glory, and it is now on a 5 second cooldown.

Threat seems to be harder to hold as well. Which honestly I think is a good thing. You won't be able to just run into a dungeon and tank and spank your way through the whole thing, because aggro was never an issue. At all. AoE tanking with the Paladin was so simple. One shield throw, and they could dps the mob down and I wouldn't have to worry about it. Now, it's a lot more difficult, which makes it fun. Hammer of the Righteous cooldown has been increased, the AoE range on it has been decreased, but to make up for it, would have Consecration. Which I need to get into the habit of using more often.

That's all from the Paladin tanking point of view, sorry that I won't be able to cover all the classes.. That'd be a chore, let me tell you what.

More general changes is account wide achievements and mounts, as well as pets. If you have a rare mount on one character, you will now have it on all of your characters (I'm excited to have my turtle mount on my Paladin now). So that is a major perk about this patch.

Earlier I mention about healers are capped at 100k mana. Even though some of you will think that is a load of BS, they balanced things out with it. You heal more now (My brother plays a Shaman, and I was getting healed for 65K+ at times from him) which means that you won't be burning through mana so fast. Another thing that I would like to note (At least for pally tanks) is that mastery has been nerfed a lot. I was capped at the 102.5% avoidance. And now.. Not even close. I believe my block is now around 37% or so. But my parry has jumped up a considerable amount. That's because of the stat tweaks and such that happened in the patch. I won't be covering it in this blog post. But you will have to look it up. There is a lot that has changed.

In all honestly, I am very excited about the changes. It will freshen up the game. And even more then that, I am excited about the next expansion. Here's to hoping that the dungeons will be difficult, and the raids even more.

That's all for today folks. Have a good one, and we'll chat with you again in the near future.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Let's talk games.

Greetings everyone!

How goes the Monday so far? Well, let's have a little chat.

First, talking about the Xbox 720. There is a leak of info that IGN happened to get their hands on. Here is the original story.

An unconfirmed document allegedly leaking out of Microsoft reveals the company's five-year plan, price, and features for the Xbox 720. The 56 page document looks at the possibilities for Xbox 360 in 2011 leading up to the launch of the next generation in 2013, which includes a new Kinect sensor at launch in a $299 bundle. Notable changes include a blu-ray disc drive, as well as a focus on and tablet integration. IGN is already confident that the next-generation will begin in 2013, and the plan for tablets to talk to consoles recently rang true.

Notable goals and features for the Xbox 720 include an improved Kinect sensor with four-player games, accessing your media library anywhere via cloud streaming, and not needing to upgrade hardware ever again. Most notable is the rumored plans to create glasses that give players a heads-up display/virtual reality interface dubbed Fortaleza.

So there is a little info about the Xbox 720. What are your thought on it? $299 isn't bad at all for a new generation console, as well as getting Kinect in the bundle.

Now I'm curious about what the PlayStation 4. Because when they PlayStation 3 on release was $600. If Sony was smart, they would have the price at a maximum of $299. Or even $349 wouldn't be too bad. But they would be smart to include the PlayStation Move bundle as well. But we will have to wait and see what they do.

Another info leak that has come up, ( Yes, there are a lot today ) is a possible "Xbox Tablet". The Tablet with has a 7-inch screen and impressive technical specs. And apparently also supports up to 4 wireless game controllers. Here are the specs for it.

Pretty impressive indeed. This is something that sparks my interest for sure. I can see Sony doing something similar to this as well. When this gets out, Sony will be right behind them. Gotta keep up with the competition.

Well, that's pretty much all for today. Have a good one!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In The World of Diablo III

May 15th has passed.. Well.. 15 days ago, and I haven't had a lot to have a chat with guys, mainly because I was too busy playing Diablo III. And let me tell you what, it's everything that I hoped it would be.

When 1 A.M. rolled around and servers went live.. Boom. Disaster. I had two friends that immediately got into the game. But those who were unfortunate (me being one of them) I had to wait another 50 minutes or so before I could get into the game. And for those 50 minutes, I sat in my chair and copied/pasted my password over and over again. So for 50 minutes, this was my life. Ctrl + V, enter, enter, enter, Ctrl + V, enter, enter, enter.

I did that for 50 minutes. I was so agitated that Blizzard, one of the biggest gaming companies, could drop the ball on release date of Diablo III. They had to of known how many people would be trying to play once servers go live. I feel like they didn't prepare enough, and I know there are many people in the same boat as I am. And it was frustrating. We've all been waiting months, even years for this game to come out, and they dropped the ball. Bottom line, I was disappointed.

But the thing is, as soon as I got logged in and made my character, all the frustration was gone. I forgot that I spent almost an hour trying to log in. Because I was in Sanctuary.  I was slaying undead left and right. And nothing could stop me from doing so.

I played the Diablo III beta so much, that I just ran through the first part of Act 1. I remember killing the Skeleton King and always reading "Congratulations! You have defeated the Diablo III beta!". And when the Skeleton King fell from my arrows, I was just waiting for that message. And it never came. The stairs opened up, and I was continuing on with the quest. This wall all new territory for me. I had no idea what was up ahead. It was great.

I continued to play until 11am that morning. And all I wanted to do was play more. And more.

Jumping forward quite a few days, I am now in Inferno, which is the hardest difficulty in the game. It's quite challenging, especially when you don't use the Auction House, and use the gear that you have from Hell, when you freshly hit 60. The beginning on inferno isn't too bad, especially for a ranged class. The thing is, you die in 2 hits. But staying at ranged is quite easy.

Act 2 in Inferno is a whole different story. The difficulty level just spikes big time. Without the right gear, you're just going to get smashed up. So be prepared. A nice weapon will be the biggest thing you will need to get. Whether you get something from the Auction House to not. The bow I have is almost 1k DPS. I'd advise you to get something around there as well if you plan to roll through Act 2 Inferno. It gets rough. The mobs there just hit so hard. But that's the fun part. The challenge of it all. Inferno is where it's at.

Overall the game is killer. I've been enjoying every second playing it. If you haven't picked it up yet, I would advise you to do so.

That's all the time I have for today folks. Chat with you guys later!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So much going on in the world of gaming..

There is so much to cover going on in the world of gaming.

League of Legends with their $3,000,000 Season 2 Championship

Call of Duty: Black Ops II, which actually takes place in the future

Microsoft prepping a $99 Xbox 360 bundle

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale..

Those are some of the things things that I would like to touch on in this blog post.

The first thing that I would like to touch on would be PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. If you have played Super Smash Brothers, then you already know what this game is about. If you haven't heard of it yet, then we will cover a few things here.

First off. It's pretty much Super Smash Brothers. Exact same type of game play. Except with all PlayStation characters. This game is going to be INSANE. Which characters do you want from any PlayStation Franchise would you want in the game? There is a rumor that the character from Killzone will be in the game. I wonder how that will work out. All in all, the game is going to be amazing. The next Super Smash Brothers will also be great, and when both games are out, it'll be hard to choose between the two for sure. Just pick up both of them, and you'll be good to go.

The next thing, League of Legends. Three million dollars championship. I mean holy man. That is actually the highest prize ever in eSports history. I play League of Legends, and I wish I could play more competitively. I have a group of friends that I play with, but not competitively. Boy would that be fun to play with the pros, and try for that $3 million jackpot. If you ever happen to DL League of Legends, or already play, add me. Kabantik is my summoner name on there. And we'll roll and have a great time

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. We all knew it was coming. I blogged about it a long time ago. And it was finally unveiled. I dunno why they kept it under wraps for so long, but now it's out, and it will be released in November. I figured as much. It's always released around that time. BO2, which is what I will call Black Ops 2, will be taking place in the year 2025. They are going in the future a little bit with this one, which is a different turn for CoD. I'll post the video of BO2. If this thing will let me. It's being a pain at the moment. Just check out IGN and you can see the video on there. Sorry guys.

Well, that's all the time I have for today. We'll chat again soon!
Have a great day, and own it up!

P.S. Diablo III in 12 days, 10 hours, and 17 minutes.


Monday, April 30, 2012

14 Days Til Diablo Walks The Earth Again

Ladies and Gentlemen. We have 14 days until Diablo III. Now some of you might say 15 days, but since it comes out at midnight, well, I'll say 14 days. And it's going to be amazing. I can't wait.

I'm building a new computer just for Diablo III as well. Diablo III can be played on computers that are quite old. Blizzard made it look great for high-end computers and playable on low end computers. And that's a bonus for all realms of gamers.

Now for some of you who might be in the Diablo III beta, it ends May 1st. That is the last day that you are able to play the beta, while they prepare for the release of the game. I'm just worried that the server's won't be able to handle the load right off the bat. But we will have to wait and see.

That's all the time I have for today.

We'll talk later!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

PS Vita - Soul Sacrifice, and Diablo III

By now, everyone should know what Demon's Souls and Dark Soul's is. A game that is quite difficult to beat, and if very unforgiving. Which is why it's so popular, and so much fun. And when you finally beat the game, you feel so accomplished.

Now for the PS Vita, there is a game coming out called Soul Sacrifice. Now will this be the new "Souls" game? It's quite possible. I've ran through Demon's Souls many many times. I haven't got through Dark Souls yet due to other games getting in the way. But if this game comes out, I definitely would want to play it through, no doubt about that one. I am a HUGE fan of the Soul's series. If you haven't checked them out yet, I'd advise you to do so. If you want a challenging game. Don't be a pansy. :)

On another note, I have yet to even hold a Vita and give it a whirl. But one of these days.. I shall.

Another thing that I would like to touch on real quick is Diablo 3. We have about 26 days until the game is released on May 15th. Will you be at a midnight release picking up the game, or will you have it already bought and downloaded? Either or works, because if you live in our time zone (Mountain) the servers won't be up and running until 1am. Midnight pacific time. So for you folks on the east coast, I feel sorry for you. Having to stay up until 3am to play.  But I know that many of you will.

I will be one of those people awake and ready to go once the servers are live. And I will be sure to inform all of you of my progress throughout the game, while trying not to spoil too many things. The thing that I am most excited for about Diablo III is decking out your characters in gear, and getting through the new difficulty, Inferno. It's going to be harder than Hell mode. And you remember how hard Hell was when you first got there, with no elite gear yet. I'm talking about when you don't already have a farmer that farms Hell for gear. Starting off fresh in there. It's a pain in the ass, let me tell you what. And the challenge is going to be the best part.

I've heard from a buddy of mine at GameStop here in Butte said that many people are coming in and out of there asking when Diablo III will be released on console. And I'm here to tell you it's going to be a while. If you don't have a computer that will run Diablo III, you are out of luck for now. Yes yes, I know it's a bummer, but save up a few bucks and upgrade your computer a bit. Unless you want to wait at least a year or so for Diablo III to come out on console. The choice is yours.

I just got word that Darksiders 2 has been delayed. It is now expected to be released in August. Just got the text about 2 minutes ago. But no worries. Diablo III will be out May 15th, and then your life, as well as mine, will be over. For at least a few months that is.

That's all I have for today folks.

Have a great day!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Yes, more about Diablo III, and other miscellaneous things

Ahh yes. Gotta love Monday's, don't ya?

Let's have another quick chat about Diablo III

First off I want to chat about how excited I am for this game to come out. There was a recent post on IGN about them designing the look of Diablo in Diablo III. If you remember what he looked like in Diablo II, he was a little bulky.

Like this picture here.

 This here is the first picture that Blizzard drew up for Diablo. And personally I think he looks like a beast in this one. He looks very much like the same Diablo from Diablo II. Is that a bad thing? I would say no. Because I personally think he should be built bulky. And he looks even more badass here. But for some reason, Blizzard didn't feel like he should look exactly like he did in Diablo II. I don't blame them, but I don't want Diablo to look slim and pathetic. Let's take a look at some other idea they had while trying to come up with a new Diablo look. Personally, this original concept is my favorite, for reasons already stated.
This is the next concept they came up with for Diablo. Now this picture to me makes Diablo seem more of a demon that would sit in the back and cast spells. A more "Mage" type Diablo. Which again, isn't a bad thing. Some people feel he should be more of a caster, and some people think he should be bulky, up in your face ownage. And that's how I feel. Alright, next concept of Diablo.

Now this Diablo isn't bad at all. He looks awesome. I love the teal glow that is in him. And he looks more beefy than the previous Diablo. This one I like as well. Looks like he could dish out some melee damage, as well as cast a few spells. My second favorite one. But still, Blizzard wasn't quite happy. They wanted to push the concept a little bit further.

The last and final concept of Diablo for Diablo III. Once again, they go for a slimmer Diablo. But with many more spikes. Don't get me wrong, he looks awesome. But once again I feel Diablo should be more bulky. Looks to.... Feminine I guess you say? Mix this one and the first one, and you'd be set. I'm not trying to complain here, don't get me wrong, I'm down with whatever they feel is the best. I bet in game it will look amazing. What are your thoughts on the Diablo III concepts, and the final art work they are going to use for Diablo? 

Leave a comment, and let us know!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

May 15th. Diablo III

Yes yes, I know that I just got done talking about Diablo III, but there is now a release date on the game. May 15th. Which is when my social life goes out the window.

Two months we have to wait. It seems like a long time, but it's going to cruise on by. Try to keep yourself occupied with other games til then. A few that come to mind are World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo II, Modern Warfare 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, maybe even Black Ops if you still are playing that.

I say Diablo II because you gotta get back into the feel of things. Of the Diablo world. That is, if you aren't in the beta of Diablo III.

I had a chance to play the Diablo III Beta. And it's a blast. Look up some youtube videos if you have a chance. I haven't played it in a while, and you know what, I just might have to boot it up again and play through it. Gotta scratch the itch, you know what I mean?

That's all for today folks. Just wanted to update you all real quick.

